political science

(Wang) #1

institutions: (cont.)
policy approach 751
post-behavioralism 751
post-war developments 750 – 2
rational choice school 752
social concept of 749 – 50
structural functionalism 751
systems theory 750
transnational diVusion of 752 – 3
and external support for 729 – 30
and ideas 103
and insulation of 164
and policy 8
and political culture 702
and political science 718
and role of 697
and social construction of 4
and strength of 719
see alsochange, institutional; design,
institutional; institutionalism; new
institutionalism; practices;
routines; rules; thinking institutionally
instrumentalism 6
and Marxist approaches to the state 116
interest groups 700 – 2
and impact of proliferation of 683 – 4
and interest group pluralism 700 – 2
and judicial decision-making 525
and judicial legitimacy 530
and litigation 546 – 7
and actors’ conduct 68 – 9
and crises 69 – 71
intergovernmental organizations 615
and nongovernmental
organizations 685 – 6
see alsointernational political
intergovernmental relations:
and federalism 273 – 6
American 249 – 50 , 256
and governance 292
and territorial politics 281
see alsocenter-periphery relationships;
local governance

International Civil Aviation
Organization 426
International Criminal Court 629 , 651 , 680
international economic institutions
(IEIs) 614 , 656 – 7
and internationalWnancial
institutions 668 – 71
accountability 670
autonomy 669 , 670
delegated authority 670
enforcement problems 670 – 1
impact of 670 – 1
moral hazard problem 668 – 9
principal-agent framework 668 , 669 – 70
role of 668
and nongovernmental organizations 685 ,
686 – 7
and theoretical approaches to 657 – 61
compliance 660
contractual view of 658
coordination problems 659 – 60
form and design 660 – 1
multilateralism 660
regime analysis 658 – 9
and trade institutions 661 – 7
bargaining problems 662 – 4
dispute resolution 665 – 6
enforcement problems 662 , 664 – 5
‘‘escape clauses’’ 666 – 7
fundamental problems facing 662
impact of 667
institutional design 666 – 7
regional trading arrangements 665 – 6
see alsoeconomic institutions
internationalWnancial institutions
(IFIs) 657 , 668 – 71
and accountability 670
and autonomy 669 , 670
and delegated authority 670
and enforcement problems 670 – 1
and impact of 670 – 1
and moral hazard problem 668 – 9
and principal-agent framework 668 ,
669 – 70
and role of 668

796 subject index

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