political science

(Wang) #1

International Labour Organization
(ILO) 617
International Maritime Organization 428
International Monetary Fund 150 , 383 , 418 ,
426 , 627 , 657 , 668
and impact of 670 – 1
and moral hazard problem 668 – 9
and United States 669 , 670
international nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs):
and amorphous nature of 675
and civil society 677 – 8
distinction between 678
usage of the term 678 – 80
and deWnition problems 678 – 81
classiWcations 679 – 80
formal nature of 678
and growth of scholarly interest in 675 – 6
and historical development of 676 – 7
and research on signiWcance of 681 – 7
case studies 682
critical studies 687
cross-disciplinary approaches 682 – 3
democratic sclerosis 683 – 4
future directions of 688 – 9
global economic governance 686 – 7
impact on world aVairs 683 – 5
inXuence on intergovernmental
organizations 685 – 6
inXuence on non-state actors 685
sociological theory 682
transnational civil society 684 – 5
transnational relations 681 – 2
Yearbook on Global Civil Society 687
and size of sector 680 – 1
international political institutions:
and classiWcation of:
degree of integration 616 – 17
function/policy area 617
independence of 617 – 18
legal powers 617 – 18
membership scope 616
and deWnition of 637
and diminished enthusiasm for 629
and durability of 627

and future research 629 – 30
and global governance 614 , 618 , 620
limits to 627 – 8
sovereignty 625
and historical context 615 – 16
as institutions 613
and international economic
organizations 614
and international security
organizations 614
and legitimacy 622 , 625 , 628
and multilateralism 660
deWnition of 618
future of 628 , 630 – 1
and realist context 629
and regional organizations 622 – 3
developing countries 625 – 7
European Union 623 – 5
regulatory regionalism 626 – 7
and sociological context 629
and the state 614
and theoretical approaches to 618 – 20
development of 619 – 20
institutionalism 618 – 19
integrationalist 619 – 20
intergovernmentalist 620
as norm brokers 619
outcomes 619
regime theory 618 – 19
and United Nations 621 – 2
international security institutions
(ISIs) 614
and deWnition of 636 – 7
and durability of 643 – 4
and forms of 637 , 640
contingent rules 639 – 40 , 645
inclusive vs. exclusive 638
operative rules 638 – 9 , 645
and future research:
as dependent variables 650 – 1
eVects of 650
and legitimacy 652
and scholarly work on 635 – 6
and signiWcance of 640 – 1
contemporary tests of theories 651 – 2

subject index 797
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