political science

(Wang) #1

international security institutions (cont.)
eVects of 650
neoinstitutional approach 644 – 6
neorealist approach 641 – 4
as organizational tools 646 – 8
social constructivist approach 648 – 50
International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) 426
International Telegraph Union 615
interorganizational analysis, and territorial
politics 289 – 92
interpretive turn 103 – 4
and executive politics 341
Interstate Commerce Commission
(ICC) 45 , 46 , 417
and invasion of 642 , 651
and representation in legislature 436 – 7
Ireland 492
and judicialization 517
and local governance 500 , 501 , 504
iron triangles 80 – 1
Islam, and institutions 98 – 9
Israel, and multiparty system 561 – 2 , 582
issue networks 80 – 1
and bicameralism 480 , 492
and electoral system 585 , 590
and local governance 503
and multiparty system 582
and party system 572
and political science traditions 96

Japan 269 , 447
and bicameralism 492
and electoral system 585 , 590
and local governance 502
and MITI 153
joint ventures, and networks 82
judicial review:
and constitutional interpretation 193 ,
203 – 4
legitimacy concerns 207 – 10
and evolution of 747

and federalism 270 – 1
and constitutional courts, evolution
of 747
and constitutional interpretation:
doctrinal arguments 206
ethical arguments 206
historical arguments 203 – 4
judicial supremacy 209 – 10
prudential arguments 206 – 7
structural arguments 205 – 6
textual arguments 204 – 5
and decision-making by 517 – 18
Attitudinal Model 518 – 20
impact of institutions 525
impact of process on policy-
making 541 – 4
inXuence of interest groups 525
Legal Model 520 – 3
popular accountability 525 , 540 – 1
Strategic Model of 523 – 4 , 525 – 6
and democratic accountability 531 – 2
and independence of 530 – 1
and institutional legitimacy 526 – 30
challenges to 529 – 30
as condition for policy-making 539 ,
diVuse support 527
origins and evolution of 528 – 9
unpopular decisions 527 – 8
and judicial elections 532
and judicialization of politics 516
Ireland 517
Poland 517
Russian Federation 517
Ukraine 516
United States 517
and justiciability 543
and policy-making 538 – 9
absence of oversight 544
conditions for eVective 539
expanding role in 552
framing function of litigants 546 – 7
impact of selection procedures 540 – 1
implementation problems 548 – 51

798 subject index

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