political science

(Wang) #1
legal foundations of 547 – 8
limitations on 541 – 4 , 551 – 2
nature of decision-making
process 541 – 4
need for systemic support 548 – 51
role of litigants 545 – 6
types of litigants 546
and politicization of 516
and selection of judges 531 , 540 – 1
and social rights 201
see alsojudicial review; United States
Supreme Court

Kyoto Protocol 629

labor movements, and state-society
interaction 51
Latin American Free Trade Area 623
and judicial decision-making 520 – 3
and research into 532 – 3
see alsojudiciary
layering, and policy change 403
and collective action 31
and coordination 373
and role of 154
and spatial leadership 329
League of Nations 615 , 621
learning, and institutional change 11
as arenas 6
and behavior of, parliamentary compared
to Congressional 457 – 8
and bicameralism and federalism 272 – 3
and checks on majority/executive
power 435 – 6 , 448 – 51
and committee appointments 444 – 5
and decision-making 435 , 445
agenda control 447 – 8 , 462
bottlenecks 446
cycling 446
role of political parties 446
and deliberation 434 , 440 – 2
and executive-legislative relations 346

bicameralism 481 – 2
checks on power 435 – 6 , 448 – 51
hierarchical 346 – 50
impact of regime type 361 – 2
information asymmetry 443
origins of systems of 363
oversight 364
parliamentary democracies 350 , 351 ,
352 – 6
presidential democracies 350 – 1 , 356 – 8
semi-presidentialism 351 – 2 , 359 – 60
theoretical considerations 347 – 50
transactional 346 – 50
and inclusion-and-exclusion, gender and
women’s status 173 – 7
and information/expertise
building 434 – 5 , 442 – 4
impact of tenure 444 – 5
and need for strong 451
and partisanship in:
behavioral foundations of 463 – 6
consequences of changes in 470 – 2
explaining changes in 466 – 9
institutional inXuences on 458 – 62
role theory 463 – 4
and political parties in:
multiparty parliaments 571 – 3
party voting in US Congress 568 – 71
and reelection rates 444
home styles 465 – 6
and representation of diversity 434
Afghanistan 437 – 9
collectivism vs. individualism 436 – 40
Iraq 436 – 7
and responsibilities of 433
and role theory 463 – 4
as transformative institutions 6
see alsobicameralism
and democracy duration 229 – 30
and institutions 10
and international organizations 622 , 628
European Union 625 , 628 , 630
and international security
institutions 652

subject index 799
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