political science

(Wang) #1

legitimacy: (cont.)
and judicial institutions 526 – 30
challenges to 529 – 30
as condition for policy-making
539 , 541
diVuse support 527
origins and evolution of
legitimacy 528 – 9
unpopular decisions 527 – 8
and judicial review 207 – 10
liberal constitution 703 , 717
liberal democracy 700
liberal nationalism 711 – 12
and Blair’s New Nationalism 713 – 14
and three models of 712 – 13
liberal welfare states 388
and inclusive nature of 697
and institutionalism 716 – 17
and modernity 697 – 8
liberalization (trade),seeinternational
economic institutions (IEIs); World
Trade Organization
liberation movements 733 – 4
libertarianism 712 – 13 , 714
litigants, in judicial process 545 – 6
framing function in 546 – 7
types of 546
Liverpool 509
Lloyd’s of London 419 , 424
lobbying, and American federalism 241 ,
243 – 4 , 254 – 5
local governance:
and absence of global perspective
on 512 – 13
and classiWcation of systems of 499 – 502
complexity and diversity of 499 – 500
concentration on elected
institutions 500
criteria for 500 – 2
descriptive studies of 499
new democracies 502
western focus of 502
and development of literature on 497 – 8
and explaining diVerences in 503 , 505

path dependency 503
and identifying trends in 503 – 5
citizen involvement 504
local leadership 504 , 505
move away from local government 504
neoliberal inXuence 504
New Public Management 504
and informal networks 498
and institutions:
attention to 497
centrality of 497 , 512
new institutionalism 498 , 505 – 6
old institutionalism 497 – 8
and territorial politics 295 – 6
and urban regimes 498
Atlanta 507 – 8
business participation 507 – 9 , 511
concept stretching in studying 510
conceptualization problems 513
deWnition of 506
degreeism in studying 510
education reform 511 – 12
European urban regeneration 508
misclassiWcation in studying 509 – 10
parochialism in studying 508 – 9
relationships at the core of 507
relationships with external actors 507
social production of power 506 – 7
typology of 510 – 11
see alsocenter-periphery relationships;
intergovernmental relations
and economic regulation 148 , 149
and institutions 146
logical positivism 698
logrolling 462
London School of Economics 687
Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) 400 – 1

MaWa, and thinking institutionally 742
majoritarian democracy:
and compared with consensual
democracy 336 – 7
and executive-legislative relations
355 – 6

800 subject index

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