political science

(Wang) #1

majority rule, and legislative checks
on 435 – 6 , 448 – 51
and constitutional interpretation 271
and federalism 261 , 266
and judicial policy-making 551
management consultancy, and expansion
of 157 – 8
and networks 82 – 3
and regulation 410 – 11
and the state 144 , 145 – 6
and Marxist political economy 99 – 100
and the state 115 – 17
Massachusetts Bay Company 419
and portrayal of legal system 545
and presidential public appeals
(USA) 312
and spatial leadership 329
Median Voter Theorem 25
Medicaid 253
Medicare 253
memory, and thinking institutionally 741
Mercosur 616 , 626
Mexico 261
and democratic transition 559 – 60
Micronesia 266
Militant Tendency 509
military reform, and elite-centered
approaches 46 , 47
Millennium Development Goals 630
ministerial responsibility, and executives in
parliamentary government 332
minorities, and inclusion/exclusion:
at-large vs. single member districts 167
descriptive and substantive
representation 168 – 9
inclusion and coalition-building 169 – 71
proportional representation 169
run-oVelections 167
see alsoinclusion-and-exclusion
misclassiWcation, and urban regime
analysis 509 – 10

Missile Technology Control Regime
(MTCR) 639
mixed regimes, and bicameralism 487
mobilization, and networks 83 – 4
modernist-empiricism 102
and executives in parliamentary
government 326
and new institutionalism 92 – 4
modernity, and liberalism of 696 – 8
monarchy, and constitutional
monarchy 217
monetary policy, and elite-centered
approaches 47
Monopolies Act (UK, 1948 ) 420
Moody’s 424 , 426
moral hazard:
and internationalWnancial
institutions 668 – 9
and parliamentary democracy 327
and principal-agent relationships 371
and selectorate preferences 29 – 30
most-favored nation principle 663
multicameralism 483
multiculturalism, and creation of common
identities 9 – 10
multilateralism 660
and deWnition of 618
and future of 628
and future prospects for 630 – 1
see alsointernational political institutions
mutual obligation, and networks 77

Nantes, Edict of 134
Napoleonic Code 135
narrative, and rational choice
institutionalism 34 – 5
Nash Equilibrium 25
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People 548
National Association of Counties
(USA) 254
National Conference of State Legislatures
(USA) 254
National Governors Association
(USA) 254 – 5

subject index 801
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