political science

(Wang) #1

National League of Cities (USA) 254
National Recovery Administration
(USA) 417
nationalization, and provider state 416 – 17
NATO 616
and centralization of activities/
resources 647
and dependence on United States 642
and ideational change within 650
and post-Cold War development 644 ,
Nebraska, and rejection of
bicameralism 479
neocorporatism 754
neoliberal institutionalism, and
international security
institutions 644 – 6
and local governance 504
and regulation 411
neo-Marxism 751
neorealism, and international security
institutions 641 – 4
Netherlands 450
and bicameralism 492
and electoral system 469
and local governance 500 , 501
network institutionalism 16 , 75
and advantages of 86
and approach of 76
criticism of 85 – 6
and meta-principles of:
complexity 76
networks as resources/constraints 76
relational perspective 75 – 6
variety 76
and network analysis 78 – 80
data collection 79 – 80
small world phenomenon 79
techniques of 78 – 9
and networks:
cognitive networks 84
markets 82 – 3
meaning and nature of 76 – 8
organizations 81 – 2

policy networks 80 – 1
political culture 85
political mobilization 83 – 4
social inXuence 85
social movements 84
social psychology 84 – 5
networked governance 409
and accountability of 333 – 4
and local governance 498
and public bureaucracies 377 – 8
see alsonetwork institutionalism
New Deal (USA) 417 , 706 – 7
new institutionalism:
and arrival of 734
and characteristics of 755
and eVects of institutions 7 – 10
and features of 6 – 7
and future direction of 16 – 17
and institutional change 11 – 15
and international security
institutions 644 – 6
and modernist-empiricism 93 – 4
as reaction against behavioralism 92 – 3
and skepticism about 16
and varieties of 56 , 93
see alsoconstructivist institutionalism;
historical institutionalism;
institutionalism; network
institutionalism; rational choice
institutionalism; thinking
New Public Management 157 – 8 , 283
and bureaucratic reform 378 – 80
and local governance 504
and regulatory capitalism 412
New Zealand 266 , 276 – 7
and electoral system 585 , 590
and local governance 501
and New Public Management 378 – 80
and rejection of bicameralism 478
Nicaragua, and status of women 177
and federalism 262
and status of women 177

802 subject index

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