political science

(Wang) #1

No Child Left Behind Act (USA) 245 , 248
Non Aligned Movement (NAM) 617
and multilateralism 618
and trade institutions 663
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs):
and civil society 139
and international networks 84
see alsointernational nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs)
and judicial decision-making 522
and unstructured institutions 27 – 8
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) 661 , 666
Northern Ireland 261
and electoral system 583
Norway 459 , 478
Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty 644
nursing home industry, and regulation 421 ,
422 , 424

old institutionalism,seeinstitutionalism
and evolution of 747
and globalization of institution of 426
and institutionalism 4 – 5 , 8
and multiculturalism 9 – 10
organic nationalism 713
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) 424 , 657
organization man 734
Organization of African Unity (OAU) 616
Organization of Black Sea Economic
Cooperation (BSEC) 626
organization theory 8 , 752 , 755
and networks 78
and coordination 373
and distinction from institutions 146 ,
613 , 637
and networks 81 – 2
and politics 724 – 5
see alsointerorganizational analysis

and executive-legislative relations 364
and judicial policy-making 544
and legislatures 448 – 51

Pakistan 266
Panel Study of Income Dynamics
(PSID) 401
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
and policy 66 – 7
Paris Club 418
parliamentary government:
and bicameralism 476 , 477 , 480
political executive 482 – 3
and cabinets 326 , 330 , 483
and comparison of majoritarian/
consensus styles 336 – 7
and deWnition of 325 , 350
and evolution of 746
and executive-legislative
relations 347 – 50 , 351 , 352 – 5 , 361 – 2
majoritarian parliamentarism 355
transactional parliamentarism 355 – 6
and executives in:
accountability 331 – 4
civil service accountability 332 – 3
collective responsibility 326 , 330 , 332
comparative analysis 337 – 9
core executive approach to 326 – 7 ,
338 – 9
executive coordination 330 – 1
government overload 334 – 5
limitations of literature on 324 – 5 , 328
ministerial responsibility 332
modernist-empiricist or behavioural
approach 326
network accountability 333 – 4
plurality of policy advice 335
politicization of civil service 335 – 6
presidentialization of prime
ministers 328 – 30 , 483
rational choice institutionalism
approach to 327 , 338
reasons for studying 340

subject index 803
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