political science

(Wang) #1

parliamentary government: (cont.)
traditions 340
veto players 339 – 40
Westminster approach to 325 – 6
and legislative behavior, orderliness
of 457
and legislative partisanship:
behavioral foundations of 463 – 6
consequences of changes in 471 – 2
explaining changes in 469 – 70
institutional inXuences on 458 – 62
role theory 463 – 4
parliamentary regimes:
and duration of democracy 230
and government formation 227
and policy performance 228
and separation of powers 217 – 18
and veto players 225
parochialism, and urban regime
analysis 508 – 9
Parti Quebecois 588
participant observation 104
participation, and territorial politics 283
behavioral foundations of 463 – 6
consequences of changes in 470 – 2
explaining changes in 466 – 9
institutional inXuences on 458 – 62
role theory 463 – 4
and party identiWcation 563 – 8
aVect-centered view of 564
cognitive-based view of 564 – 5
comparative application of 566 – 7
ideology 565
parties as choice/assessment 566 – 8
as property of voters 565 – 6
as ‘‘standing decision’’ 565
utility of 566
path dependency:
and constructivist institutionalism 64 – 5
and development of local governance 503
and economic regulation 148 , 149
and historical institutionalism 43 – 4
and institutional change 12 , 39 , 146

and policy development 402
patriarchy, and the state 121 – 2
Pay As You Earn 425
Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the
Abolition of Slavery 676
Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act
(USA, 1996 ) 253
Peru 478 – 9
pharmaceutical industry, and
regulation 423 – 4
and challenge to 41 – 2
individualized 312
institutionalized 311 – 12
and judicialization 517
and local governance 502
and police economy 413 – 15
and private security 422
and institutions 8
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
and policy paradigms 66 – 7
policy analysis, and interorganizational
analysis 291
policy communities 81
and agenda control 339
and bureaucratic implementation 370 – 1
and judiciary 538 – 9
absence of oversight 544
conditions for eVective 539
expanding role in 552
framing function of litigants 546 – 7
impact of selection procedures 540 – 1
implementation problems 548 – 51
legal foundations of 547 – 8
limitations on 541 – 4 , 551 – 2
nature of decision-making
process 541 – 4
need for systemic support 548 – 51
role of litigants 545 – 6
types of litigants 546

804 subject index

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