political science

(Wang) #1

political science: (cont.)
Fabianism 101
formal-legal analysis 94 – 7 , 102 – 3
idealism 97 – 9
Islamic 98 – 9
Marxist political economy 99 – 100
modernist-empiricism 92 – 4 , 102
post-Marxism 100
politicians, and structured institutions:
behavioral repertoires 29
objectives of 28 – 9
payoVs 29
selection of 28
selectorate preferences 29 – 30
and decision-making 724
and diVerent perspectives on 4
popular sovereignty 598
see alsodirect democracy
post-formative change, and historical
institutionalism 60 – 1
post-Marxism 100
postmodernism 104
and bureaucracies as instrument of
state 369 – 72
and deWnition of 290
and Foucault’s approach to 120
and social production model of 506 – 7
power-sharing, and bicameralism 477
see alsofederalism
and institutions 3 , 8 , 97
and unstructured institutions 27 – 8
and judicial decision-making 520 – 1 ,
522 – 3
and thinking institutionally 739
predatory states 126
predictability, and institutionalism 4 – 5 , 8
preference change, and international
security institutions 648 – 9
presentism, and thinking institutionally 741
presidency, American:
and growth in power of 710

and quantitative research on 304 – 5
assessing success of presidents 313
budget proposals 313 – 14
centralization of presidential
authority 309 – 11
criticism of lack of 303 – 4
data limitations 319
enhanced quality of 308 – 9
increase in 308 , 317 – 18
inXuence on Congress 314 – 15
institutional constraints 318 – 19
lack of theoretical basis 318
policy inXuence 314 – 17
public appeals 311 – 14
publication trends in 305 – 8 , 317
unilateral powers 315 – 17
and bicameralism 480
political executive 482 – 3
and deWnition of 350 – 1
and duration of democracy 230
and executive-legislative
relations 347 – 51 , 356 – 8 , 361 – 2
and government formation 227
and legislative checks on 450 – 1
and prime ministers 328 – 30
and separation of powers 220
and tricameralism 483
see alsopresidency, American; semi-
pressure groups 700 – 2
see alsointerest groups
prime ministers:
and comparative analysis 337 – 9
and core executive approach 327
and government overload 334 – 5
and presidentialization of 328 – 30 , 483
and rational choice institutionalism 327
principal-agent relationships:
and economic institutions 159
and internationalWnancial
institutions 668 , 669 – 70
and parliamentary democracy 327 , 338
and public bureaucracies 371 , 379
accountability 375 – 6

806 subject index

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