political science

(Wang) #1

prison industry, and regulation 421 – 2
prisoners’ dilemma:
and cooperation 31 – 2
and international economic institutions
(IEIs) 662
and international security
institutions 645
privatization 379
and regulatory growth 412
processes, and institutionalism 5
professions, and thinking
institutionally 738 – 9
proportional representation:
and coalitions 561 – 2 , 582
and coordination problems 587
and duration of democracy 230
and electoral rules 222
and electoral thresholds 584
and executive-legislative relations 348
and impact on party numbers 581 – 4
and inclusion-and-exclusion 169
and policy performance 228
and representation 583
see alsoelectoral systems
provider state, and development of
regulation 416 – 17
public administration:
and networks 82
and territorial politics 286
public appeals:
and presidency (USA) 311 – 14
and spatial leadership 329
publicWnance, and development of state
control of 418 – 19
public good, and collective action 30
public opinion:
and legislative behavior 464 – 5
and presidential public appeals
(USA) 311 – 14
and spatial leadership 329
public policy, and judicial policy-
making 538 – 9
absence of oversight 544
conditions for eVective 539
expanding role of 552

framing function of litigants 546 – 7
impact of selection procedures 540 – 1
implementation problems 548 – 51
legal foundations of 547 – 8
limitations on 541 – 4 , 551 – 2
nature of decision-making process 541 – 4
need for systemic support 548 – 51
role of litigants 545 – 6
types of litigants 546

Quakers, and slavery 178 – 9
Quebec 265 , 271
and direct democracy 606
and electoral system 588

race, and welfare state 389 – 91
see alsoethnicity
railroad regulation 39
and elite-centered approaches 46
Raison d’e’tat
ratings agencies, and regulatory
capitalism 424
rational actors, and interpretation of
politics 4
rational choice institutionalism 24 , 752
and analytical foundations of 32 – 3
and analytical narratives 34 – 5
and behavioral economics 33 – 4
and bicameralism 485
and bounded rationality 33
and criticism of 35
and executives in parliamentary
government 327 , 338
and historical institutionalism 42 , 43
and international security
institutions 642
and interpretation of institutions:
as constraints 24 – 5
as equilibrium 25 – 6
focal view 25 – 6
as game form 24 – 5
as macrosociological practices 26 – 7
and structured institutions 27 , 28 – 30

subject index 807
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