political science

(Wang) #1

rational choice institutionalism (cont.)
clarity of outcomes 29
payoVs 29
politician behavioral repertoires 29
politician objectives 28 – 9
politician selection 28
selectorate preferences 29 – 30
and transaction-cost economics 34
and unstructured institutions 27 – 8
collective action 30 – 2
see alsonew institutionalism
rational choice theory:
and contribution of 23
and judicial decision-making 523 – 4
and networks 77
and trade institutions 663
reductionism 6
redundancy theory:
and bicameralism 484 – 6
and federalism 485
and direct democracy 604 – 6
and policy areas covered by 607
see alsodirect democracy
reXexive regulation hypothesis, and
economic regulation 148 – 9
regime theory:
and international economic institutions
(IEIs) 658 – 9
and international organizations 618 – 19
regimes, and deWnition of 506
and international organizations 616 ,
622 – 3
developing countries 625 – 7
European Union 623 – 5
regulatory regionalism 626 – 7
and the state 126
and territorial politics 283
and trade institutions 665 – 6
and audit society 412 , 426
and Chicago School approach 410 – 11
and corporatization 410

and development of:
continuities in 428
globalization of mega-corporate
capitalism 419 – 21
impact of 428 – 9
impact of corporatization 418 – 19
impact of securitization 418 – 19
nineteenth-century 415 – 16
non-state regulators 423 – 4
police economy 413 – 15
provider state 416 – 17
role of mega-corporations 421 – 4
tax collection 424 – 5
and failure of deregulation 411
and governance 409 – 10
and privatization 412
and regionalism 626 – 7
and regulatory capitalism 410 , 412
business size 416
corporate regulation of states 426 – 7
created by mega-corporations
421 – 4
impact on tax-collection 424 – 5
research agendas 427 – 8
separation of powers 426 – 7
and regulatory state 149
rise of 411 – 13
and regulatory studies 410 – 11
reinventing government 381 , 412
relationships, and network
institutionalism 75 – 8
relative gains, and international security
institutions 642 , 643 , 648
and civil society 140
and inclusion-and-exclusion 173 , 185
and international nongovernmental
organizations 676 – 7
and descriptive and substantive
representation 168 – 9
and diversity of:
bicameralism 480 , 481 , 485
in legislatures 434 , 436 – 40
and electoral system 583 , 589 – 90

808 subject index

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