political science

(Wang) #1

and legislatures 434
collectivism vs. individualism 436 – 40
and political parties 560 , 563
multiparty system 561 – 2
two-party system 560 – 1
representative democracy, and direct
democracy 599 – 600
individual/package policy voting 609 – 10
Republican Governors Association
(USA) 255
Republican party, and federalism 248
resources, and institutions 3
Responsible Care, and regulation of
chemical industry 423 – 4
Restrictive Trade Practices Act (UK,
1956 ) 420
retrenchment, and welfare state 397 – 400
retrospective voting 566
revisionism, and post-war British
politics 704 – 5
Rhineland capitalism 152
risk management, and regulatory
capitalism 423 – 4
rogue states 128
role theory:
and judicial decision-making 522
and legislatures 463 – 4
Rome, and civil society concept 132 – 3
and institutional change 13
and institutions 8
Royal Institute of Public
Administration 335 – 6
as actor-given 25 – 6
as exogenous constraints 24 – 5
and formal-legal analysis 94 – 5
and institutional change 13
and institutions 3 , 7 , 8 , 9
and international security institutions:
contingent rules 639 – 40 , 645
neoinstitutional view of 644 – 6
operative rules 638 – 9 , 645
and politics 724 – 5
Russia 445

and elections 572
and judicialization 517
Rwanda 183

San Francisco 590
Scotland 261 , 263 , 479
Seattle protests ( 1999 ) 675 , 686
Securities and Exchange Commission
(USA) 417
securitization, and regulation 418 – 19
security,seeinternational security
institutions (ISIs)
security industry 422
segregation, and United States Supreme
Court 549
selectorate, and structured institutions 28 ,
29 – 30
self-binding, and multilateralism 618
and bicameralism 480 – 1
and core executive approach 338 – 9
and evolution of 746
and executive-legislative relations 351 – 2 ,
359 – 60
and separation of powers 220 – 1
and variants of 363 – 4
see alsopresidency, American;
separation of powers:
and constitutional types 217
checks- and balances regimes 219
constitutional monarchy 217
dual formula for 217
parliamentary regimes 217 – 18
presidentialism 220
semi-presidentialism 220 – 1
and executive–legislative relations 347
and federalism 268 – 9
and regulatory capitalism 426 – 7
and United States Constitution 195 ,
196 , 197
Sherman Act (USA) 420
single member simple plurality electoral
and big-party bias of 583

subject index 809
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