political science

(Wang) #1

single member: (cont.)
and impact on party numbers 581
single nontransferable vote electoral system,
and Afghanistan 437 – 8
single transferable vote electoral
system 583 , 587
single-actor design, and institutional
change 11
skepticism 699
and African-Americans 177 – 9
and international nongovernmental
organizations 676 – 7
and United States Constitution 194 – 5
small business, and regulation 416 , 421 , 423
small world phenomenon, and network
analysis 79
Social Accountability International 427 – 8
social capital:
and networks 84
and transnational civil society 684
social constructivism, and international
security institutions 648 – 50
social democratic welfare states 388
social engineering, and Fabianism 101
social inXuence, and networks 85
social liberalism 713
and Blair’s New Nationalism 713 – 14
and United States 715 – 16
social movements 675
and institutional change 48 – 50
and networks 84
and public creation of 558 – 9
and United States Constitution 199 – 200
and women’s movement 176
and women’s suVrage 174 – 5
see alsointernational nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs)
social network analysis 78 – 80
see alsonetwork institutionalism
social psychology, and networks 84 – 5
social rights, and constitutions 200 – 2
social science 102 – 3
and deWnitions of institution 722 – 4 , 730 – 1
social union 698 – 9

Socie ́te ́des Amis des Noirs 676
Socie ́te ́Ge ́ne ́ral de Surveillance 428
and growth of interest in concept 136
and the state 129
see alsocivil society
Society for EVecting the Abolition of the
Slave Trade 676
and deWnition of institutions 723 – 4
and institutionalization 726
and race and the welfare states 389 – 91
and thinking institutionally 739
South Africa:
and electoral system 583
and federalism 262 , 266 , 276
South African Constitutional Court 201
Southern African Development
Co-ordination Conference
(SADCC) 626
and global governance 625
and international organizations 615
and pooling in European Union 619 – 20 ,
Soviet Union 677
and bicameralism 492
and constitutional interpretation 271
and federalism 261 , 266 , 267 , 276
and local governance 504
and political science traditions 96 – 7
spatial leadership 329
St Kitts and Nevis 266
and bicameralism 485 , 486
balanced government 487 – 90
and institutionalism 4 – 5 , 8
Standard and Poors 424 , 426
standards, and thinking
institutionally 738 – 9
state, the:
and bureaucracies as instrument of
power 369 – 72

810 subject index

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