political science

(Wang) #1

and contingency of 128
and deWnitions of 111 – 14
diYculties in 111 – 12
hegemony 113
monopoly over coercion 112
as social relation 113 – 14
territorialization of authority 113
and discourse theory 123 – 4
stateless state theory 123
and failed states 128
and feminist approaches to 121 – 3
and Foucault’s approach to 120 – 1
criticism of 121
and international organizations 614
and international security institutions:
neoinstitutional view of 644 – 6
neorealist view of 641 – 4
as organizational tools 646 – 8
social constructivist view of 648 – 50
and markets 144 , 145 – 6
and Marxist approaches to 115 – 17
and Marxist political economy 99 – 100
and origins of 114 – 15
and research on 125 – 6
future of nation state 126 – 7
governance 127 – 8
scales of politics 127
state forms and functions 127
state strength 126
stateness 126
and rogue states 128
and society 129
and state formation 114 – 15
and state-centered theories 117 – 19
criticism of 119 – 20
state autonomy 118 – 19
themes of 118
and strategic-relational approach 124 – 5
and strategic-relational context 128 – 9
state theories, and territorial politics 288 – 9
strategic alliances, and networks 82
strategic behavior, and judicial
decision-making 523 – 4 , 525 – 6
strategic planning, and New Public
Management 379

strategic-relational analysis, and the
state 124 – 5 , 128 – 9
street-level bureaucrats 370
structural functionalism 718 , 751
structure, and agency 99 – 100
structured institutions, and rational choice
institutionalism 27 , 28 – 30
clarity of outcomes 29
payoVs 29
politician behavioral repertoires 29
politician objectives 28 – 9
politician selection 28
selectorate preferences 29 – 30
structures of meaning, and institutions 3
subgovernments, and policy networks 80 – 1
subgroups, and network analysis 78 – 9
subordinate groups, and inclusion-and-
exclusion 172 – 3
support, and institutionalization 729 – 30
supranational institutions, and territorial
politics 284
survival, and thinking institutionally 740
sustainability, and thinking
institutionally 740
Sustainable Agriculture Network 428
Sweden 269
and electoral system 469
and local governance 500
and rejection of bicameralism 478
and welfare state 394
and bicameralism 273 , 492
and constitutional amendment 269 – 70
and constitutional interpretation 271
and direct democracy 603 , 605 ,
606 , 610
and federalism 261 , 265 , 266
constitutional arrangements 268
systems theory 750

Taiwan 427
and democratic transition 559 – 60
tax policy,seeWscal policy
and development of expertise 444 – 5

subject index 811
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