political science

(Wang) #1

and reelection rates 444
home styles 465 – 6
territorial politics:
and American federalism 242 – 4 , 256
absence of state representation 244 – 5
and approaches to:
diversity of 285 – 6
governance 292 – 4
interorganizational analysis 289 – 92
political dynamics 286 – 8
state theories 288 – 9
and center–periphery relationships 281 ,
285 , 287 – 8
and centralization 287
and contemporary issues 282 – 3
and cross-territorial issues 283 – 4
andWscal policy 288 – 9
and geography 282
and German federalism 244 – 5
and governmental authority 281 – 2
as independent domain 284 – 5
and intergovernmental relations 281
and national context 295 – 7
and participation 283
and regionalism 283
and supranational developments 284
territoriality, and statehood 113
terrorism 651
Thailand 427
theory, and role of 102 – 3
thinking institutionally 735
and adaptability 737
and consequences of 735
is not critical thinking 736
and dangers of absence of 742 – 3
and diVusing value 738
and infusing value 737 – 9
and institutional context of 735 – 6
and internalization of norms 736
and negative aspects of 742
and precedent 739
and receiving 737
and signiWcance of 740 – 3
cultivation of belonging/common
life 741 – 2

political decision-making 740 – 1
protection against presentism 741
sustainability and survival 740
and standards 738 – 9
as thinking 737
and time 739 – 40
Third Way 711 , 716
and institutionalization 726 – 7 , 728
and thinking institutionally 739 – 40
toleration, and civil society 134
totalitarianism 699 , 757
trade institutions 661 – 7
and dispute resolution 665 – 6
and ‘‘escape clauses’’ 666 – 7
and fundamental problems facing 662
bargaining problems 662 – 4
enforcement problems 662 , 664 – 5
and impact of 667
and institutional design 666 – 7
and regional trading agreement 665 – 6
trade unions:
and control of 155
in United States 417
and constructed nature of 91
and coordination 373
and executive politics 340
transaction, and executive–legislative
relations 346 – 50
parliamentary democracies 352 – 6
presidential democracies 356 – 8
transaction-cost economics, and rational
choice institutionalism 34
transnational advocacy networks 84 , 683
see alsointernational nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs)
transnational relations 681 – 2
see alsointernational nongovernmental
organizations (INGOs)
and international security
institutions 646
and legislative deliberation 434 , 440 – 2
and New Public Management 379

812 subject index

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