political science

(Wang) #1

Trial Lawyers Association 530
tricameralism 483
trust, and international organizations 618
trustees, and representatives as 463 – 4

Ukraine, and judicialization 516
and electoral system change:
impact of 586 – 8
party numbers 585
voter preferences 586
and international security institutions:
neoinstitutional view of 645 – 6
neorealist view of 641 – 2
and paradigm shifts 67 – 8
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (USA,
1995 ) 253
unicameralism 478 – 9
unilateral powers, and presidency
(USA) 315 – 17
Union Carbide 423
Union of International Associations 681
United Kingdom 266 , 269
and bicameralism 492
and constitution of 707 – 9
and devolution 261 , 263
and economic regulation 148
and local governance 500 – 1 , 503 , 504
and New Public Management 378 – 80
and party government 705 – 6
role of constitution 707 – 9
and political science traditions:
formal-legal analysis 96
idealism 97 – 8
modernist-empiricism 93 – 4
and politicization of civil service 335 – 6
and pressure groups 701 – 2
and regulation, growth of 412
and territorial politics 286 , 295
see alsoparliamentary government
United Nations 502
and challenges facing 622
and creation of 615
General Assembly 647

as international political
organization 621 – 2
and legal powers of 618
and legitimacy 628
as multifunctional organization 617
and nongovernmental organizations 685
and peacekeeping 644 , 652
and reform of 629 – 30
Security Council 644 , 646 , 647
and United States 622 , 630
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) 421 , 617
United New Netherland Company 419
United States:
and bureaucratic reform 380 – 2
and divided government 470 – 1
and economic regulation 148
impact on global 150
and executive power, growth of 52 – 3
and inclusion-and-exclusion:
African-Americans 177 – 82
federalism 181 – 2
immigration 185 – 6
and integration 715 – 16
and International Monetary Fund
669 , 670
and international security
institutions 651 – 2
and local governance 501 , 502
regimes of 507 – 8
and party government 706 – 7
and political science traditions:
formal-legal analysis 96
modernist-empiricism 93
and regulation:
antitrust laws 419 – 20
early twentieth-century development
of 417
globalization of mega-corporate
capitalism 419 – 21
growth of 411 – 12
as solitary superpower 651
and territorial politics 286
and United Nations 622 , 630

subject index 813
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