political science

(Wang) #1

United States: (cont.)
and welfare state:
business 393 – 5
distribution of beneWts 396 – 7
gender 391 – 2
race 389 – 91
retrenchment 398 – 9
spending on 396
and World Bank 670
see alsofederalism; presidency, American;
United States Congress; United
States Constitution; United
States Senate; United States Supreme
United States Chamber of Commerce 530
United States Conference of Mayors 254
United States Congress:
and African-Americans 178 – 80
and bicameralism 477
diversity of representation 481
and committee system 461 – 2
and disorderliness of 457
and divided government 470 – 1
andWlibusters 461
and functional structure of 242 , 243 , 254
and ‘‘home styles’’ 465 – 6
and legislative partisanship:
behavioral foundations of 463 – 6
consequences of changes in 470 – 2
explaining changes in 466 – 8
institutional inXuences on 458 – 62
role theory 463 – 4
and party system 560
party voting 568 – 71
and presidential budget proposals
313 – 14
and procedures of 460 – 1
and seniority 27 , 461
and stalemate 486
and voting patterns 447 , 448
see alsoUnited States House of
Representatives; United States
United States Constitution:
and antidemocratic provisions 194

and bicameralism 272
and checks and balances 219
and Commerce Clause 196 – 7
and development of 709 – 10
and diYculty in changing 193 , 270
and implementation of founding
bargains 194
slavery 194 – 5
states’ rights 194
and interpretation of 202 , 271
doctrinal arguments 206
ethical arguments 206
historical arguments 203 – 4
judicial supremacy 209 – 10
legitimacy of change eVected
by 207 – 10
prudential arguments 206 – 7
structural arguments 205 – 6
Supreme Court 192 , 196 – 7
textual arguments 204 – 5
and judicial review 193
and limitations on government power:
channeling of political
protest 199 – 200
individual rights 198 – 9
and religion 173
and social rights 200 – 2
and states’ rights 241
and structuring exercise of power:
electoral processes 198
federalism 195 – 7
judicial appointments 197 – 8
separation of powers 195 , 196 , 197
see alsofederalism; United States
Supreme Court
United States House of Representatives:
and partisanship in 459
and political parties 466 – 8
and procedures of 460 , 466 – 7
and structural reforms of 466 – 7
see alsoUnited States Congress
United States Senate:
andWlibusters 461
and partisanship in 468
and procedures of 461

814 subject index

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