
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Solar Heart in being a transducer for the Merkabah or lightbody. In the antiaging
section I mention that reducing calorie intake was the only effective method found
to repair DNA, perhaps because reduced food processing gives the body “time” to
develop greater coherency, plus there is less toxic interference patterns from the
byproducts of metabolism.
transposons or “jumping genes” are DNA sequences that can move around to
different positions within the cell’s genome, a process called transposition. In the
process, they can cause mutations and change the amount of DNA in the genome.
In what seems like future science, the Regenetics Method takes people through
stages of bio-spiritual enlightenment in which transposons are incrementally
stimulated in preparatory phases—culminating in a “synchronized, non-random
transposition burst” for which the individual is consciously prepared. Results are
said to include increased psychic activity, deepened connection to the Muse and
the ability to act in a more forthright fashion without fear.
Dr. Bill Deagle calls the DNA’s laser radiation a phonon maser. The DNA
instructs the cell via phonon maser coherent sound waves; the cells then go on to create
us through a protein-assembly process known as transcription. P.P. Gariaev and
his group have demonstrated use of specially constructed He-Ne laser for creating
polarized radio wave radiation (RR), which can store “correct” genetic information
of the healthy donor sample and transfer that healthy bioelectromagnetic DNA
signature to the acceptor tissue.
“Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction
patterns, firstly in the acoustic [sound] domain, secondly in the electromagnetic [light]
domain.” Richard Alan Miller, “The Holographic Concept of Reality” appearing
in Psychoenergetic Systems, 1975.
Scientists have discovered that DNA emits and receives both phonons and
photons, or electromagnetic waves of sound and light and that the primary function
of DNA lies not in protein synthesis, but in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric
signaling. At the genetic level, sound gives rise to light and every “biochemical
reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal, thus cells communicate both
electromagnetically and chemically.
The Consciousness torsion field must have an effect on the nature of the “spin”
of particles, the torque of gravity and the balance equation of matter with regards
to ZPE. Thus consciousness will be included within future theories of everything,
especially perhaps with the work of Nassim Haramein on the Grand Unified
Theory. Even as far back as the 1950’s the Russian
scientist Nicolai Kozyrev demonstrated that Zero point itself, like time, flows as
sacred geometric spiral torsion energy that has been called phi, the Golden Mean,
and the Fibonacci sequence. (Both Walter Russell and Walter Schauberger put
light and sound into a Fibonacci sequence. Smells and the Elements can also be
classified in the Golden Mean.)
“You cannot separate consciousness and torsion waves–they are the same thing.
When we use our minds to think, we are creating movements of electrical impulses in
the brain, and when any electrical energy moves, torsion waves are also created...In
order for this vibration to occur, an atom must be constantly absorbing and radiating

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