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aetheric energy at the same time. As this vibration continues, the atom will throw off
torsion waves into the surrounding aether. This means that every atom is a torsion
generator, and depending on its overall “spin polarization,” i.e. whether there is a
greater amount of right-handed or left-handed spin in its electron clouds, the object will
either generate left-handed or right-handed torsion waves.” David Wilcock, Divine
Cosmos - Chapter 9: Harnessing Torsion Waves and Consciousness Watch for David Wilcock’s Movie “Convergence” in
Others working on this new genetics include Stephen Lindsteadt, and Bruce
Lipton, Gregg Braden, Leonard Horowitz, Richard Alan Miller, Jeremy Narby,
Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin.

Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method by Sol Luckman —Regenetics Method by Sol Luckman —Hierarchy of condensed matter —P.P. Gariaev, Wave Genetics

acciDent or DestinY

Accidents happen unexpectedly without deliberate plan or cause. It is the
social conformist that is created more by default or “accident.” Whereas the true
individual is self-created through “meta-adaptation” to inner and outer conditions.
Meta-adaptation is the creative transcendence of apparent present reality, that is
Mastery of circumstance. Autogenic morphogenesis occurs via proactive transition
through the cycle of Discontentment, Crisis, Shorting-out, Vision, Action and
Reevaluation. Thus the creation of the Universal Self is self-determined through
applied intent, vision and a priori state resonance with the desired outcome. In
essence the Self is master of time, space, light, sound and consciousness. Thus a
trinity is formed through coherent communication between the Self, Universal-
Spirit and the DNA.
Reality is a convergence of intention. According to Robert Gerard in Change your
DNA Change Your Life, imagination and intention are the two critical components
of consciousness, which can be actively used to promote gene expression for self-
empowerment and healing. When we raise our intent, by lasering and directing
consciousness to the highest energy levels (Gnostic), we enter into the creative
unified state of conscious determinacy. With vision, intention and a priori state
generation we elevate ourselves beyond the mere reactivity of a socialized being.
Thus through sympathetic resonance with the Universal we gain the power of
absolute faith to effect change.
Researchers consider biophotons (electromagnetic waves) as a method of
communication between cells and organisms. Fritz Albert Popp even goes as far as
to say that consciousness could be the EMF comprised of the sum of the emissions
of biophotons. So in a sense you could say that it is the DNA that emanates both
Presence and potential for thought. Coherency of brainwaves and synchronization
of the hemispheres, provides “depth” or range of perspective or aperspectivism.

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