
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Thus the multidimensional property of the Witness. I like the idea that the
left-brain is a machine for measuring time, and the right-brain is a machine for
measuring space...put them together an you can navigate spacetime as a “whole”
Genius is in the genes. Each person is a holographic-temporal-display of the
route their genes took from the very beginnings of life on earth. The ultimate
meaning of this is that the entire physiosphere, biosphere and noosphere, that
is the Kosmos itself, is one giant superorganism, which is glued together with
light. Light is the communicating vehicle of Spirit, a dynamic web of information
exchange within and between organism. Biophotons may be the agent that is
behind psi phenomena, primary perception and spiritual power. The causal nexus
state in which matter, energy and spirit come together to reflect the greatest power
of Spirit, Heart-intelligence or depth or quality of consciousness. This essentially is
impeccability, energy efficiency, no-resistance, integration, integrity or the Fourth
State. Order in the universe is this ability to stabilize higher energy. Synergy,
syntropy or creativity is to make a distinction, refinement or discernment resulting
in the increase of order, quality and depth. This is the true nature of spiritual
The space, emptiness and fluid flow created by the light of pure Presence,
accommodates everything without effort, integrating and substantiating with the
ground of being. The causal nexus state in which matter, energy and spirit become
amplified through increased coherency is traditionally referred to as the merkabah.
This “Star Tetrahedron”, or energy field analogous to a three dimensional Star of
David, which is allegedly the “Chariot” used by ascended masters to tune into
higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Merkabah
means the spirit-body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, or spirals
of energy as in the DNA, which transports spirit-body from one dimension to
another. The DNA possesses a biophoton vibratory infrastructure that parallels
the molecular structure.
To say that the outer-environment Total determines the inner-environment
Total, is in line with Bruce Lipton’s remarkable insights on gene expression being
determined by what occurs at the cell membrane. However we also have to take
into account that we are each unique filtering and selection systems, from our
DNA to our soul. That is, on all levels we filter and select and in this way we
determine our reality and our fate. Thus to expand on the statement that we are
a reflection of the outer environment...we should add that we are the result of the
selective interpretation-uptake-response of our environment total. Determinacy is
the result of a prior predilection and capacity which reflects our unique individual
being...thus we can change our destiny by changing the way that we filter, select,
incorporate and enact on our environment.

Change Your DNA, Change Your Life! by Robert V. Gerard

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by
Dawson Church

Cell-Level Healing by Joyce Whiteley Hawkes

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