Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1
Figure 5.11b Figure 5.11c

Coaching Points: Instruct the players to complete the pattern as quickly as possible while maintaining
good running form (arm and leg action). Foot contact with the ground should be very short and light.

The player must accelerate towards the pass. They should get behind the line of the ball, and as they take
their first touch, they should open their hips in the direction of the cone to their left. You should also
coach the weight of the first touch. That is, the player must cushion the ball upon contact so as not to take
too big of a touch.

Variation: Start by having the players use the inside of their right foot to take their first touch. After a few
repetitions, have them use the outside of their left foot. After several repetitions, switch positions of the
third cone so that it is now 10 yards to the right of the cone near the end of the ladder. The players will
now have to take their first touch and dribble towards the right.

Progression: To progress this exercise, you can choose to do more complex patterns on the ladder. Some
examples include: i) run through placing two feet per square, ii) move through laterally (one or two feet
per square), iii) using a two-legged hop with a pattern of forward two squares, back one square, iv) using
a one-legged hop with a pattern of forward two squares, back one square, and v) diagonally shuffling
through with a two feet in-one foot out, pattern.

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