Total Soccer Conditioning Vol. 1

(Sean Pound) #1

Zigzag Sprint and Cut with Finishing*

Objective: Develop cutting ability at high speeds as well as shooting technique

Set-up and Directions: Set up four cones outside the 18-yard box so that they are 5 yards apart and offset
by 5 yards. The cone closest to the box should be on the edge and centre of the D. Instruct a small group
of players to line up behind the cone furthest away from the goal. Have the coach stand with a supply of
balls on the top corner of the 6-yard box as shown (Figure 5.12a).

Figure 5.12a Figure 5.12b

When ready, have the player at the front of the line sprint towards the cone closest to them, cut, and then
sprint towards the next cone. They should continue this pattern until they have performed a cut at every
cone. After making the cut at the final cone, they must sprint in the direction of the coach who will play a
ball for them to finish on goal (Figure 5.12b). Players are only allowed one touch before shooting.

Coaching Points: Emphasize good cutting technique (previously mentioned) and encourage the players
to cover the distance between each cone as quickly as possible, but under control.

The first touch of the player must be in front of them. When shooting, the player must approach the ball at
slight angle. The foot of the supporting leg should be placed bedside the ball and pointing in the direction
of the target. If using the laces, the player must strike through the centre of the ball with the toes pointing
down. The striking leg should follow through towards the target.

Variation: You can vary this exercise by changing the type of pass (along the ground, bounced, lobbed,
etc.) to the player. Ensure that you also vary the layout of the cones and the position of the coach so that
the final cut has been made to both the left and right sides.

Progression: Progress this exercise by restricting the players to one touch or by adding a defender who is
allowed to close down the working player as soon as the coach plays the pass.

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