Biology Now, 2e

(Ben Green) #1

I2 fiffIndex

atomic structure, 40, 41
atoms, defined, 14 , 40
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
Calvin cycle, 85, 86
from cellular respiration, 72, 88, 89
electron transport chain, 85, 89
as energy carrier, 83–84
from glycolysis, 88, 89 , 90, 91
high-energy phosphate bonds, 84
from Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle, 89 , 90
from oxidative phosphorylation, 89 , 90
production in mitochondria, 72
from simple sugars, 51
ATP synthase, 85, 89
Aurornis xui, 254 , 261, 262
Australopithecus afarensis, 311, 312
Australopithecus africanus, 312 , 314
autism and autism spectrum disorder
arguments against claimed link to vaccines,
25, 28, 30–31
correlation with organic food sales, 28
correlation with vaccine use, 28
gene in Dobermans, 125
incidence of, 27–28
original vaccine article in Lancet, 26–27, 28,
scientific claims of vaccines as cause, 23,
26–27, 28
autosomal dominant disorders, 146–47
autosomal recessive disorders, 144 , 145–46, 146
autosomes, 138, 144 , 145

Bacillus colonies in petri dish, 273
Bacillus subtilis, 275, 277–78
bacteria (Bacteria)
asexual reproduction, 221
cell structure and shape, 273, 274
conjugation, 221 , 277
domain Bacteria, 251, 252, 256 , 270
split from Archaea and Eukarya domains,
sporulation, 277
bacterial batteries, 93
Bada, Jeffrey, 40, 43–44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 55
Balch, Jennifer, 325, 326, 329, 330, 332, 335,
bald eagles, 350 , 367
baleen whales (Balaena), 197 , 205
barnacles, 364, 365
base pair, defined, 157
base-pairing rules, 157–58
bases, defined, 49
bases, in nucleotides, 157
basic research, 26
basidiomycetes (club fungi), 294
Batrachochytruim dendrobatidis, 13
bats. See also white-nose syndrome
bat caves, conditions inside, 6–7
big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), 15
echolocation, 200
Indiana bats, 14
insect consumption, 4, 15 , 200
little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), 4, 13, 15
researchers in bat caves, 4, 5, 7, 10
bdelloid rotifers, 277
beak size of birds, natural selection, 194–95, 216,
218, 219
beavers, 360, 365, 369, 370, 371, 372
Bedau, Mark, 62

behavioral isolation as reproductive barrier, 241 ,
behavioral traits, 118
Behr, Melissa, 7, 8–9
belly button swabs, 270, 271, 273–76, 277–78,
280, 281
Belyaev, Dmitry, 129
benign tumors, 101
Berwick, Sharon, 277
Beschta, Robert, 358, 362–63, 364, 367–68, 370,
beta cells (pancreas), 99, 100
bias in science, 12, 25–26, 30 , 31
big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), 15
bilateral symmetry, 303 , 305–6
binary fission in prokaryotes, 100, 277
biochemical traits, 118
biodiversity. See also genetic diversity
belly button bacteria, 273, 274–75, 277, 280
in Cambrian period, 257, 261
defined, 251
human impact on, 265
mass extinctions and, 263 , 265
numbers of known species, 244 , 251
biofilms, 276
biofuels, world consumption, 92
biogeography, 204–5
biological classification. See also species
Animalia, 256 , 257, 259 , 260
Chordata phylum, 260 , 303
classes, 257, 260
domains, 251–52, 256, 270
evolutionary trees and, 253–56, 261, 262 ,
families, 257, 260
Fungi, 256 , 257, 259
genus (plural “genera”), 257, 260
Homo genus, 303, 311
kingdoms, 256–57, 258–59
Linnaean hierarchy, 257, 260
mammals, 306–7
orders, 257, 260
phylum (plural “phyla”), 257, 260
Plantae (plants), 256 , 257, 258 , 259
Protista (protists), 256 , 257, 258 , 259
reptiles, 257, 260
scientific names, 257
tree of life, 251, 256 , 258–59, 273
biological communities, 14. See also ecological
communities; Yellowstone National Park
biological hierarchy, 14
biological species concept, 234–35
biology, synthetic. See synthetic biology
biomass, 92 , 337, 381, 382, 386–87, 389
aquatic biomes, 362, 385 , 386
boreal forest biome, 335 , 384
chaparral biome, 384
defined, 14 , 383
desert biome, 335 , 383, 385 , 386, 388
estuaries, 385 , 386
freshwater biome, 384 , 388
global maps, 384–85
grassland biome, 335 , 385 , 388
human microbiome, 270, 271, 280, 281
marine biome, 385
net primary productivity (NPP), 386, 387 ,
role of sunlight in creating, 383
temperate forest biome, 335 , 385 , 386

tropical forest biome, 335 , 383, 384
tundra biome, 335 , 383, 384 , 386, 388
types of biomes, 384–85
biomolecules, types of, 51, 52–53, 55
biopharming, 174, 175, 186
biosphere, 14 , 324–25, 328
biotic factors, 325, 336–37, 378–79, 380, 381 ,
bipedalism and upright posture, 308, 310 , 311
birds and evolution
Archaeopteryx, 250, 254–56, 261, 262
Aurornis xui, 254 , 261, 262
dinosaur-bird evolutionary tree, 253–56, 261,
embryonic development, 205
Eosinopteryx brevipenna, 254 , 261, 262
evolution of flight, 256
number of known species, 244 , 305
theropods, 253–54, 255 , 256
Xiaotingia zhengi, 254 , 255–56, 262
birth defects
bisphenol A (BPA), 108, 111
microcephaly, 342, 343 , 345
birth weight in humans, 216, 218
bison, 360, 364
bisphenol A (BPA), 105, 106, 108, 111
black-market plant trade
cactus, 297
cycads, 291, 292
ginseng, 293–94
orchids, 286, 289, 292, 293
ponytail palms, 297
rosewoods, 297
snowdrop plants (Galanthus), 292
Thailand, 286, 289
theft of plants, 289–92, 294–95
black oak, 372
Blehert, David, 6–9, 10–12
blood types, genetics, 126
blue-footed booby courtship dance, 241
blue jays, 368–69
body temperature and gene expression, 128,
bones. See also skeleton
calcium in, 305
femur structures and cross sections, 200
marrow, 125 , 136, 150
bony fishes, 305
border collies, 129, 131
boreal forest biome, 335 , 384
boxers, 124, 125
Boyce, Daniel, 378, 379, 380, 382–83, 386–87,
BPA (bisphenol A), 105, 106, 108, 111
brain volume in humans, 311
Brazil. See also Amazon rainforest
Amazon region, 324
campaign against yellow fever, 350
deforestation, 324, 331
dengue virus, 345, 346, 351–52
Earth equivalents, 333
field tests of GM mosquitoes, 345, 348,
Rio de Janeiro, 345
Zika virus, 342–43, 345–46, 348, 350–51,
breast tumor cells, 98, 99, 104
bryophytes (mosses and liverworts),
258 , 292
Budin, Itay, 63–64
bushmeat hunting, 372
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