The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

symphysis more or less vertical, with genial depression
below. No indication of digastric fossae. On the R, a
small mental foramen lies below P2. Also preserved
on R, part of origin of anterior part of ramus;
apparently did not obscure back of M3.
Teeth heavily worn. All Is, especially Ils, very
narrow m/d. Cs shallowly concave on upper part of
lingual surface. In occlusal outline, P1 tapers lin-
gually; stout crest runs down from protoconid to
thicken lingually and run around small, deep poste-
rior fovea; crest becomes confluent with distal side of
protoconid. Stout crest from slightly distended
mesial side of protoconid courses lingually and does
not become confluent with swollen lingual disten-
sion. P2s quite rounded on buccal surfaces; both
have a short, stout paracristid between large meta-
conid and smaller protoconid. Stout postcingulid en-
closes moderately sized posterior fovea; no anterior
fovea. As preserved on both sides, M1 and 2 sub-
equal in size; on R, M3 only slightly smaller. M1 and
2, although quite worn interstitially, are fairly square;
M3 is rounder in occlusal outline. Molar protoconids
and metaconids confluent across their bases. No sign
of trigonid basin or anterior fovea. As seen on both
Mls and to a lesser extent on LM2, hypoconid and
entoconid bases are connected by a short crest, con-
stricting the talonid basin mesiodistally. On all three
Ms, roots did not bifurcate near neck.

ZPH Q7-18. Maxilla, with nasal cavity floor and
large part of palate filled in with plaster. Observable
in bone is part of R side from region of I2 to Ml; it is
similar to Q6 in its outward and downward curvature
from I2 to P1, but differs in that the preserved part of
infraorbital plane is more distinctly sunken. On R,
part of maxillary sinus is visible and not expansive
from side to side. Teeth are quite worn with
considerable enamel chipping. 11s swollen lingually
and not shoveled. 12s bear shallow lingual creases. Cs
have very indistinct anterior and posterior foveae. Ps
small. P2 noticeably shorter mesiodistally than P1.
Ms decrease in size from M1 to M3 and are
essentially indentical to those of Q6.
IPH Q7-19. L temporal fragment preserving
posterior root of zygomatic arch, which took origin
over anterior margin of auditory meatus. Above
meatus lies a modest suprameatal crest that does not
flow into a distinct supramastoid crest. Parietal notch
seems to lie over middle of mastoid process; even so,
parietomastoid suture would have been quite long.

IPH Q7-22. R petromastoid, quite badly damaged.
Posterior root of zygomatic arch takes origin at anterior
extremity of a fairly large, ovoid, slightly anteriorly
inclined auditory meatus. Meatal bone very thick,
especially inferiorly. Meatus closely appressed to base of
what was apparently a thick, stubby, a/p long and not
very projecting mastoid process pneumaticized with
moderately large air cells. Suprameatal crest rather low
and blunt, with no detectable supramastoid crest
behind it. Mastoid tubercle fairly pronounced and set
relatively low and in midline of mastoid process.
Parietal notch appears to have been very anterior,
level with anterior margin of mastoid process.
Parietomastoid suture would have been quite long.

IPH Q7-190. Frontal with lateral half of R
supraorbital region and much of L postorbital region.
Bone very thin. Several pieces glued together; in front
view, reconstruction appears to be excessively broad.
Frontal appears to have been fairly strongly curved in
both transverse and sagittal planes; would have been
quite domed just behind the shallow postglabellar
depression. On both sides, frontal sinuses did not
extend behind postglabellar depression and, as seen on
the R, did not extend laterally beyond midline of
orbit. Preserved R supraorbital margin presents a
blunt corner with roof of orbit. Supraorbital margin
thinner than in Qafzeh 6, but similarly configured
(thins laterally, is not rolled, and shows no disjunction
between medial and lateral portions). Zygomatic
process of frontal long a/p; temporal ridge defines its
posterior border and rapidly becomes a rugose line,
apparently heading almost straight backward.
Internally, frontal crest is very strong.

ZPH Q7-191. Partial occipital plus some parietal.
Profile fairly curved; probably was originally more
curved from side to side than as currently recon-
structed. Some of lambdoid suture is visible; it is very
strongly interdigitated and rises steeply (although
from where cannot be ascertained). Midline preserved
at back; some degree of nuchal ridging is discernible.

Qufzeh 8. Mandible and maxillary fragments plus
several postcranials. Fragment of R side of maxilla
with I2-P2 and isolated RM1 or M2. All teeth very
worn. I2 somewhat barrel shaped. C excessively worn.
P1 slightly bigger than P2. M1 had large hypocone,
separated from postprotocrista by crease; trigon basin
was deep but small. R mandibular fragment with
I2-P2, all very worn. Corpus deep near symphysis;
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