The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

upper Ml and probably swept outward and slightly
back. Multiple mastoid foramina in mastoid region.
Mastoid processes are somewhat swollen laterally,
with a/p moderately long bases and s/i short, blunt
tips. On the R, mastoid notch is more groove-like
(i.e., thin), and possibly closed off posteriorly. Either
paramastoid or occipitomastoid (cannot tell) crest is
thick, elevated, but does not project as far as mastoid
processes. Faint Waldeyer’s crests lie more medially
and extend a/p. Carotid foramina lie well anterior
and medial to the peaks of vaginal processes; broken
bases of latter indicate they wrapped around moder-
ate styloid processes. Large stylomastoid foramina lie
lateral to styloid processes.
Occipital very broad, low, with gently curving
lambdoid suture that courses broadly across lambda.
In side view, occipital bone appears to be “subdivided”
into four planes: on the occipital portion, a vertical su-
perior and slightly downwardly facing middle section;
on the nuchal plane, a more forwardly inclined upper
and more horizontally oriented lower portion.
Suprainiac depression is very wide, moderately tall,
with a mottled surface; lies in second occipital “plane”
and thus faces down slightly. Inferior border of this
depression consists of a low, horizontal “torus,” which
appears to have been undercut by the upper portion of
the nuchal plane. Lower portion of nuchal plane ap-
parently featureless. Foramen magnum quite large,
long, ovoid, with relatively anteriorly placed occipital
condyles. Condyles not very long; somewhat arced
anteriorly. Basiocciput very broad; external surface rel-
atively unembellished. Pterygoid plates broken; appear
to have been parallel to one another.
Palate tightly curved across front with somewhat
divergent tooth rows; shallow with slightly sloping
sides, more slope in front. Moderate incisive foramen
lies just lingual to 11s. Cranial sutures appear to have
been patent, not deeply interdigitated, and relatively
uniform in pattern throughout.
Upper I1 and I2 crowns angle back from root axis;
crowns appear to bulge buccally near neck. 11s tall,
broad, shallowly shoveled with a broad but subdivided
central lingual pillar and low margocristids. 12s tall;
relatively smaller than 11s and not as broad; moder-
ately barrel shaped with moderately deep lingual pit.
Cs very large, with tall, pointed crowns that angle
back relative to roots; lingual surfaces have stout cen-
tral pillar with deep foveae on either side. RP1 crown
angles back; protocone slightly less bulky than para-
cone, but almost as tall; low central pillar runs down

internal face of each cusp into deep, horizontal central
fissure; pillars delineated on each side by groove; oc-
clusal surface somewhat crenulated; para- and meta-
conules present. Rdm2 worn; large internally placed
protocone truncates trigon basin; metacone and para-
cone subequal and close together; protocristae were
apparently stout; hypocone large and swollen and sub-
tends small fovea distally; postcingulum thick; sides of
crown relatively vertical. M1 crowns with peripherally
placed trigon cusps and large trigon basins; metacone
close to and slightly smaller than paracone; postpro-
tocrista courses to metacone; hypocone markedly
swollen distally; thick, distally arcuate postcingulum
connects hypocone and metacone, enclosing moderate
basin; protocone with Carabelli’s pit; lingual crease
between base of protocone and hypocone; sides of
crown slightly bulbous; enamel with some fine wrink-
ling, especially in basins.
Virtually complete mandible is very broad; essen-
tially flat across vertical symphyseal region. Medium
mental foramen lies below level of dm2. From below,
symphyseal region is straight across between R and L
inferior marginal tubercles, behind which the corpora
diverge slightly. Also from below, symphyseal region is
a/p thinner than bone of corpora behind. Postincisal
plane very steep with a moderately deep pair of genial
pits. Genial tubercles in center of pits, in midline.
Broad, shallow, moderately a/p long digastric fossae
face virtually straight down. Gonial region is smooth,
inflected medially, with a series of increasingly distinct
tubercle-like structures along its external margin.
Mylohyoid line moderately thickened with medium-
sized submandibular fossa below.
Rami recline gently back; anterior margins bear
very shallow preangular notches. Coronoid process
moderately long a/p, bluntly peaked; somewhat taller
than the a/p compressed, laterally peaked condyles.
Sigmoid notch deepest at midpoint. Sigmoid notch
crest terminates just lateral to midpoint of condyle. Se-
ries of tubercle-like swellings along inner margin of
gonial region; uppermost (medial pterygoid) tubercle is
largest. Mandibular foramen faces up and back; is
round on the R, compressed on L. Lingula tall s/i but
not very projecting, with short mylohyoid notch de-
scending below. Low, blunt crest descends from below
tip of coronoid process to become confluent with
swollen region of M2 crypt.
Lower I crowns tall and relatively broad, and angle
back slightly from neck; I2 larger than 11.11s shallowly
concave on lingual surface. I2 lingual surface similar, but
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