Mockingbird Song

(avery) #1

farmers in the South and Mesoamerica. She suspects that velvet beans produced more
L-dopa the nearer they were to the equator; so South Carolina beans likely had per-
centages closer to  than .
. See Kirby,Poquosin, esp. –.
. See Kirby,Rural Worlds Lost, ,  (on through-and-through), – (on com-
missaries), and – (on diet, re discussion following), and Pete Daniel,Breaking the
Land: The Transformation of Cotton, Tobacco, and Rice Cultures since (Urbana: Uni-
versity of Illinois Press, ), – (on the context of reconfiguring cotton culture).
. Discussion following of the demise of the postbellum plantation complex is de-
rived from Daniel,Breaking the Land, bk. ; Kirby,Rural Worlds Lost, –; and esp. the
historical geographer Charles S. Aiken’sThe Cotton Plantation South since the Civil War
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, ), esp. pt. .
. H. L. Mitchell,Mean Things Happening in This Land: The Life and Times of H. L.
Mitchell, Co-Founder of the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union(Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld,
Osmun, ), –.

 
. On Beverley, Byrd, and hogs in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North
Carolina, see Jack Temple Kirby,Poquosin: A Study of Rural Landscape and Society
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ), –,  (Byrd quotation),
. Grady McWhiney,Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old South(Tuscaloosa: Uni-
versity of Alabama Press, ), –, esp. , , –, . (McWhiney’s readers are
not obliged to accept his Celtic-centric ethnography to appreciate the importance of
his other treatments of the white-majority culture.) See also Forrest McDonald and
Grady McWhiney, ‘‘The South from Self-Sufficiency to Peonage: An Interpretation,’’
American Historical Review (December ): –.
. Frances Anne Kemble,Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in –
, ed. John A. Scott (; Athens: University of Georgia Press, ), –, 
(last quotation). For the larger landscape and context, with considerable detail on But-
ler and especially his managers, see Mart A. Stewart,‘‘What Nature Suffers to Growe’’:
Life, Labor, and Landscape on the Georgia Coast, –(Athens: University of Geor-
gia Press, ).
. [Edmund Ruffin], ‘‘Publication of the Byrd Manuscripts,’’Farmers’ Register(
October ): ; A. B. Longstreet,Georgia Scenes(; New York: Sagamore Press,
); Joseph G. Baldwin,The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi(; New York:
Sagamore Press, ),  (quotation). Definition of ‘‘cracker’’ from McWhiney,Cracker
Culture, vii.
. Daniel R. Hundley,Social Relations in Our Southern States, ed. William J. Cooper Jr.
(; Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, ).
. On swine perspiration and propagation, see Merrill K. Bennett, ‘‘Aspects of the
Pig,’’Agricultural History (April ): –. On feral hogs’ aggressiveness and (in

   – 
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