Human Physiology, 14th edition (2016)

(Tina Sui) #1
I-6 Index

characteristics of, 11–12, 11f, 392–393, 393f
cholinergic regulation of, 256
comparison with skeletal and smooth muscles, 397t
contraction of, 11–12, 392–393, 422, 427–428,
hypertrophy of, 78
length of, 453–454, 454f
neurotransmission in, 190
stretch of, 453–454
striations of, 392, 393f
tone of, 245
Cardiac output
adaptations to training, 470–472, 471–472f
blood pressure and, 476, 482
distribution at rest, 463, 464t
exercise and, 451, 470–472
explanation of, 451
hypertension and, 483–484
intrinsic and extrinsic control of, 453–454
pulmonary circulation and, 551
stroke volume and, 451, 452–454, 476
sympathoadrenal system and, 454
venous return and, 454–455, 456f
Cardiac rate, 423, 451–452, 472, 472t, 476
Cardiac region, of stomach, 624
Cardiac-specific troponin T, 392
Cardiogenic shock, 486
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 561
Cardiovascular system, 405–406. See also Blood
vessels; Circulatory system; Heart
Cardizem (diltiazem), 397, 426
Carotid arteries, 452
Carotid bodies, 555, 555f
Carotid massage, 478–479
Carotid sinuses, in baroreceptor reflex, 477
Carrier-mediated transport, 142–149
active, 132, 133, 144–148, 145–148f
bulk, 54–55, 148–149, 149f
characteristics of, 142, 143f
facilitated diffusion, 132, 143–144, 143–144f
paracellular, 147–148
transcellular, 147–148
Carrier proteins, 44, 135, 142, 323
Cartilage, 16
Caspases, 75
Ca^21 -stimulated Ca^21 release mechanism, 427
Catabolic reactions (catabolism)
balance with anabolism, 675, 675f, 687
explanation of, 107, 665
fasting and, 680, 680f
growth hormone and, 688
stress and, 340–341
thyroxine and, 686–687
Catalase, 58, 91t
Catalysts, enzymes as, 89–91
Cataracts, 292
Catecholamines, 191, 196t, 251, 252, 253f, 320
Catechols, 191
Cations, 27, 150, 150f
Caudate nucleus, 215, 391
Ca^21 wave, 736
C cells, 342
CCHS (congenital central hypoventilation
syndrome), 554
CCK (cholecystokinin), 196, 196t, 645, 647, 673
CD4 coreceptors, 508, 511
CD8 coreceptors, 507, 511
CD39 enzyme, 414
CD25 protein, 508
Cecum, 633

aging and, 521
alcohol use and, 636
genetic factors in, 67, 75, 81
immune system and, 519–521
immunotherapy for, 517, 518, 520
interferons in treatment of, 497
interleukins in treatment of, 508
matrix metalloproteinases in, 132
metastatic, 444
stress and, 521
Cannabinoids, 229
Cannon, Walter, 5
Capacitance vessels, 455
Capacitation, 734–735
CAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal
dialysis), 613
Capillaries, 406, 433–434f, 434 t, 435
blood volume in, 457–458, 458f
continuous, 433
discontinuous, 433, 434
fenestrated, 433–434
lymphatic, 443, 443f
peritubular, 586
Capillary action, 29
Capillary fenestrae, 587
Capsaicin, 558
Capsaicin receptors, 270
Captopril, 462
Carbaminohemoglobin, 565
absorption of, 650–651
daily dietary requirements for, 662
dehydration synthesis and, 34, 35f
digestion of, 650–651
explanation of, 33
hydrolysis and, 34, 36, 36f
inborn errors of metabolism, 97t
metabolism of, 97t, 123, 124f, 639 t
in plasma membrane, 54
storage of, 34
structure of, 33, 34f
turnover of, 665
types of, 33–34, 34f
atomic structure of, 25t, 26, 26f
chemical bonds formed by, 26, 27f
Carbon dioxide
in blood, 468, 470, 473–474, 565–566, 569
diffusion through plasma membrane, 135, 135f
exchange, in respiration, 533, 547–548, 550–553
partial pressure of, 548, 550, 555–557, 556–557f
transport of, 565–567, 566f
Carbon functional groups, 31, 32f
Carbonic acid, 29t, 565–566, 566f, 568, 643
Carbonic anhydrase, 91t, 94, 566, 609
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 611t, 612
Carbon monoxide, 196t, 198, 560
Carbon monoxide poisoning, 553, 560
“Carbon skeletons,” 122
Carbonyl functional groups, 31, 32f
Carboxyhemoglobin, 560
Carboxyl groups, 31, 32f
Carboxypeptidase, 652
Carcinoembryonic antigen tests, 519
Cardiac control centers, 231, 452, 477
Cardiac cycle, 422–424, 423–424f
Cardiac muscles. See also Heart
action potential in, 425–426, 425f, 451, 451f
adrenergic regulation of, 252–254
autonomic regulation of, 245

BUN (blood urea nitrogen), 600
Bundle of His, 427
a-Bungarotoxin, 185, 187t
Bursa of Fabricius. See B lymphocytes
Butene, 32f

Ca^21 ATPase pump, 428
CABG (coronary bypass grafting), 469, 469f
Cable properties, of neurons, 177–178, 178f
Caffeine, 328
CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia), 706
Ca^21 -induced Ca^21 release mechanism, 373, 426
Cajal, interstitial cells of, 632
Calcitonin, 341, 342, 692, 693
abnormal levels of, 692, 695
in astrocytes, 171
in blood clotting, 415, 416f, 416 t, 418
in cardiac function, 393, 393f, 425–426f, 426–428
in excitotoxicity, 200
in fertilization, 735–736
homeostasis of, 695, 695f
in hormone action, 328–329
in long-term potentiation and depression, 200,
in muscle contraction, 370–371, 371f, 395–396
in muscle relaxation, 373
normal range in blood, 6t
parathyroid hormone and, 344, 345f, 690, 692, 695
recommended dietary allowance of, 665t, 668
regulation of, 690–695, 690t
as second messenger, 254, 328–329, 329f, 330 t
in synaptic transmission, 181, 182–183, 182f,
200, 201
Calcium-ATPase pumps, 373
Calcium-channel blockers, 397
Calcium channel blockers, 397, 427, 485t
Calcium channels
release, 371
slow, 426
in taste sensation, 275, 275f
voltage-gated, 182–183, 372–373
Calcium hydroxide, 29t
Calcium-induced calcium release mechanism, 373,
393, 426
Calcium pumps, in active transport, 145, 145f
Calcium release channels, 371
Calcium stones, 584
Calcium wave, 171, 736
Calculi (stones), 584, 642, 642f
Calluses, 18
Calmodulin, 222, 329, 395–396
Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), 222
Caloric requirements, 662–664, 674–676
Calories, 98
Calyces, 582, 584
cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), 155, 192,
326–328, 327f, 328 t, 452
CAMs (cell adhesion molecules), 182
Canaliculi, 17
Canal of Schlemm, 293
anal, 633
central, 208
of Schlemm, 293
semicircular, 279, 280–281, 281f
Cancer. See also specific types of cancer

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