I-24 Index
Perikaryon. See Cell bodies
Perilymph, 279, 285, 288
Perimetrium, 723
Perimysium, 360
Peripheral chemoreceptors, 554, 556–557
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
acetylcholine in, 190
components of, 236
explanation of, 163, 164t
myelin sheath in, 167–168, 167–168f
neuroglial (glial) cells in, 166, 167t
neurons of, 244
relationship with CNS, 165, 165f
Peripheral proteins, 53
Peripheral resistance, total, 452, 465, 476
Peripheral tolerance, 518
Peristalsis, 12, 584, 620, 624, 624f
Peristaltic waves, 393
Peritoneal dialysis, 134
Peritonitis, 633
Peritubular capillaries, 586
Permeability, selective, 132, 136
Permissive effects, of hormones, 321
Pernicious anemia, 408, 521, 522t, 625
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR), 670
Peroxisomes, 52t, 58
Pesticides, 189
PET (positron-emission tomography), 192, 212, 213t
Peyer’s patches, 499
p53 gene, 75–76
PGH (placental growth hormone), 743
pH. See also Acid-base balance
altitude and, 572, 610
exercise and, 570–571, 570f
of gastric juice, 626, 647
optimum, 92–93, 93f, 93 t
oxygen transport and, 562, 562t
plasma, 567, 568
scale, 29–30, 30t
ventilation and, 555–557, 556–557f
Phagocytes, 495–496
antibody-stimulated, 506–507
in immune complex diseases, 522–523
in innate immunity, 494t, 495–497, 496f
in liver, 637, 640
in local inflammation, 500, 502
Phantom limb phenomenon, 272
Pharmaceutical drugs. See Drugs
Pharmacological concentrations, of hormones, 322
Pharyngeal phase, of swallowing, 623–624
Pharynx, 536, 621
Phases of clinical trials, 4
Phasic receptors, 268, 268f
Phenacetin, 613
Phentolamine, 256t
Phenylalanine, 96, 96f, 122 t
Phenylephrine, 255, 256t
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 96, 97t
Pheochromocytoma, 339
Pheromones, 732–733
Phosphatases, 91
balance, regulation of, 604, 690–695, 690t
functional groups of, 32f
regulation of, 690–695, 690t
Phosphatidylcholine. See Lecithin
Phosphatidylglycerol, 540
Phosphatidylserine, 54, 417, 496
Phosphocreatine, 379–380, 380f
Paraventricular nuclei, 227, 333
Paravertebral ganglia, 246, 246f
Parent cells, 72, 73, 79, 80f
Parietal cells, 625, 645, 646
Parietal lobe, 210, 211t
Parietal pleura, 536, 537–538
Parkinson’s disease, 171, 192, 193, 200, 216,
229, 391
etiology of, 193, 216, 229, 391
excitotoxicity in, 200
extrapyramidal symptoms in, 233
oxidative stress and, 669
stem cell therapy for, 739–740
symptoms of, 193
treatment of, 171, 192, 193, 216
tremor of, 230, 391
Pars distalis. See Anterior pituitary gland
Pars intermedia, 331, 332
Pars nervosa. See Posterior pituitary gland
Pars tuberalis, 331, 331f, 332
Partial pressure of gases
altitude and, 547, 548t, 571–572, 573t
in blood, 548, 550
calculation of, 547
exercise and, 570
hemoglobin and, 560, 561f, 561 t
significance of, 550
ventilation and, 555–557
Parturition, 745–746
Passive immunity, 518, 519t
Passive transport, 133, 133f, 144, 590–591
Pasteur, Louis, 515
Patellar tendon reflex. See Knee-jerk reflex
Patent ductus arteriosus, 422
Patent foramen ovale, 422
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns
(PAMPs), 495
Pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs), 495, 512, 517
Pathogens, 494
Pathophysiology, 2
Pavlov, Ivan, 5t
Paxil, 192
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 641
PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), 732
PCP (angel dust), 199
PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), 329, 351
“Pear shape,” 671
Pectoralis minor, 541
Pedicels, 587f
Peer-reviewed journals, 3–4
Pelvis, renal, 582
Penfield, Wilder, 221
Penicillin, 600
Penile urethra, 706
Penis, 198, 258, 706, 719–721, 720–721f
Pentose, 44
Pepcid, 627
Pepsin, 92–93, 626–628, 627f, 651–652
Pepsinogen, 625, 645, 646
Peptic ulcers, 352, 628
Peptide bonds, 41–42, 42f
Peptides, 41, 196
Percent oxyhemoglobin saturation, 560, 561, 561t
Perception, 267
Perceptive deafness, 289
Perforins, 507
Perfusion ratio, 550–552, 552f
Periarteritis, 523
Pericentriolar material, 76
Periglomerular cells, 278
phantom, 272
receptors, 267, 268t, 270
referred, 272, 439
Palindromes, 703
PAMPs (pathogen-associated molecular patterns), 495
as accessory digestive organ, 621, 622f
acini of, 643
endocrine, 317, 317f, 318 t, 345–346, 643, 643f
enzyme activation in, 94
exocrine, 15, 317, 345, 643, 643f
location of, 636
parasympathetic activity in, 622
trophic effects on, 650
Pancreatic amylase, 643, 645, 649, 650, 651f, 651 t
Pancreatic islets
cell types of, 345–346, 346f, 677
in diabetes mellitus, 681–685
endocrine function of, 9, 317, 317f, 318 t,
345–346, 643
metabolic regulation by, 677–680
Pancreatic juice, 93, 642f, 643–644, 644f, 644 t, 649
Pancreatic lipase, 643, 649, 652
Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, 644
Pancreatitis, 645
Paneth cells, 629
Panic disorder, 192
Pantothenic acid, 666, 667t
Papez circuit, 219
Papillary muscles, 419
Pap smears, 14, 15
Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH), 602f, 603
Paracellular transport, 147–148
Paracrine regulation
adenosine and ATP in, 198
in atherosclerosis, 350, 437
of blood flow, 466–467
explanation of, 350
of gastrointestinal tract, 622, 625, 647
in testes, 715
Paracrine signaling, 154
Paradoxical cold, 269
Parafollicular cells, 341, 342
flaccid, 183, 390
spastic, 183, 390, 391t
Paralysis agitans. See Parkinson’s disease
Paralytic shellfish poisoning, 186
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts, 705
Paraplegia, 391t
Parasternal intercostals, 541
Parasympathetic nervous system
in blood flow regulation, 466, 467t
in cardiac regulation, 452, 452t, 454
cranial nerves in, 248–250, 249f, 249 t
functions of, 251
in gastrointestinal regulation, 622
glucagon secretion and, 679
insulin secretion and, 679
neurotransmission in, 190, 251–252, 252–253f
postganglionic fibers of, 248, 249t
preganglionic fibers of, 247–248
sympathetic nervous system and, 248, 258–260, 259t
Parathyroid glands, 318t, 344, 345f
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
action of, 319t, 344, 345f, 692
negative feedback control of, 695, 695f
secretion of, 344, 345f, 692
vitamin D and, 321
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