Devita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer

(Frankie) #1

LWBK1006-02 LWW-Govindan-Review November 24, 2011 11:18

Chapter 2•Molecular Biology of Cancer Part 2 19

Question 2.12. Type I cell death is also known as:
A. Autophagy
B. Apoptosis
C. Necrosis
D. Autolysis

Question 2.13. All of the following are ligands for the death receptor pathway EXCEPT:
B. Fas
D. Noxa

Question 2.14. Taxanes specifically target this BH3-only Bcl-2 protein:
A. Nbk/Bik
B. Bim
C. Puma
D. Bad

Question 2.15. RAF is inhibited by which of these therapeutic agents that induce apop-
A. Sorafenib
B. Imatinib mesylate
C. Bortezomib
D. Taxanes

Question 2.16. Bcl-2 small molecule inhibitors like ABT-737 induce apoptosis by:
A. Binding to the BH3-binding pocket
B. Inhibiting tyrosine kinase activity of Bcr/Abl restoring Bim function
C. Stimulating Bim expression
D. Blocking proteosome degradation of Bim

Question 2.17. Angiogenesis inhibitors theoretically induce apoptosis by which means?
A. Tyrosine kinase inhibition
B. Histone deacetylase inhibition
C. Inhibition of antiapoptotic proteins
D. Nutrient deprivation

Question 2.18. Type II programmed cell death, autophagy, is regulated by:
A. mTOR in the PI3-kinase/AKT pathway
B. Bax/Bak
C. BH3-only proteins
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