Culture and Communication in Thailand (Communication, Culture and Change in Asia)

(Michael S) #1

perspective advocated by Payutto emphasizes three major components: economy,
ecology, and evolvability (Payutto 1998 : 168–173). Evolvability means the ability
of humans to develop themselves to live in harmony with nature, not to conquer
nature, nor destroy it. In his view, human development should comefirst on the
development agenda.
Ecotourism is defined as“responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the
environment and improves the well-being of local people”(TIES 1990). Principles
of ecotourism meet the demand from a Thai Buddhist perspective on development.
They arefirst, minimizing impact on the culture and environment; second, building
environmental and cultural awareness and respect; third, providing experiences for
both visitors and hosts; fourth, providing directfinancial benefits for conservation
of culture and environment;fifth, providingfinancial benefits and empowerment for
the locals; and sixth, raising sensitivity to host countries’political, environmental,
and social climate (TIES 2014).
These theoretical observations will be used as framework of analysis in this

5.2.5 Research Questions

From what has been described, three broad research questions can be drawn as

  1. Does Chinese tourism in Thailand meet the ecotourism standard and why?

  2. Is there a way to a mutual respect for both the Thai host and the Chinese
    visitors? and

  3. How to improve the tourism industry toward sustainability?

5.2.6 Methodology

A qualitative methodology is used to collect in-depth information. Samples of
online media are purposely selected for this study. They are as follows:

  1. “We Love Chinese Tourists” facebook page, which parodies news about
    Chinese tourists in Thailand.

  2. Two episodes of Tang Kon Tang Kid (Each one thinks differently) program on
    YouTube discussing Chinese tourist problems.
    First episode, “Dramas from Chinese tourists”
    watch?v=qvPXIbWGg8Y, accessed July 15, 2015, discussed by President of
    Thai Travel Business, Mr. Sittiwat Shivarattanapon and President of Chinese
    speaking Tour Guides of Thailand, Mr. Marin Ruangwongsa.

78 5 Tourism, Digital Social Communication and Development...

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