Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — July-August 2017

(lily) #1
36 Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand

covER SToRy: property guyS


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propErTy GUyS:

in recent years, Australia’s

property market has been

on the up and up. with

house prices sky-rocketing

across most capital cities,

many property owners have

experienced great success

with their investment, and

when it comes time to sell

they want to know they are

getting the most money

possible for their investment.

That’s where Property Guys comes in.
Property Guys provides consumers
with a real alternative to the traditional
agent and the DIY proposition. Property
Guys will provide sellers with a certified
real estate agent, who will mentor the
homeowner through the home sale process.
A community of professionals that include
valuers, stylists, photographers, expert
marketers (signage, advertising), legal,
building inspectors and more, will also assist
the homeowner. Property Guys will do this
for a single, one-off fixed fee, starting at
After 19 years of revolutionising the
Canadian property market, Property Guys
is coming to Australia and is searching for
franchisees to build the network across the
c ou nt r y.



canadian foundations
Established in Canada in 1998, has had great success in
disrupting the Canadian property market,
and is now taking the model global, first to
Chief Executive Officer, Property Guys
Australia, and owner of the Australian
Master Franchise, Marcus Cann, describes
the growth of the successful franchise;
“PropertyGuys was established in Moncton,
New Brunswick by current owners Ken
LeBlanc, Jeremy Demont and Walter
Melanson. After several years building a
disruptive real estate model, they converted
the system into a true franchise business
in 2001. Since that time, they have built
a national franchise system with over 120
franchisees and over 80,000 home sellers
across Canada.
“They are now bringing the successful
franchise system to Australia, and we are
looking for the ‘Perfect Fit’. Licencees,
franchise owners, PG Pros and strategic
partners,” Marcus said.
“I met Ken, Walter and Jeremy over two
years ago and was impressed with the
model,” says Marcus. “I flew to Canada
in September 2015 to fully study the
business, and it’s franchisees for a month.
I also attended the week long, world-class
‘Property Guys University’ to be fully
trained in the system and the culture.
“In late 2016, Ken approached me to say
they were ready to launch in Australia and
offered me the Master Franchise. Since then,
I have spent six months ensuring the system
is ready to go in Australia.
“My background of over 20 years in law,
finance, property and technology means
I am ideally placed to understand how a
disruptive digital model is ready to change
real estate forever,” Marcus said.

property guys in Australia
“Australia and Canada are almost identical
markets in terms of the number of
properties, the number of properties sold,
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