Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — July-August 2017

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Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand 37

price values, legislation, regulation and
franchising law,” Marcus explains.

“We are very similar culturally and more
importantly, both countries have a passion
for disruptive businesses and have the same
level of adoption for franchise systems.”

Property Guys believes the international real
estate market is broken.

“Property Guys has solved a 100+ year
old real estate challenge. At one end of
the market, consumers are being charged
excessive commissions whilst being locked
out of their own homes and with no access to
a range of professionals who can assist them
in selling their homes.

“At the other end, so called ‘DIY’ solutions
are depriving consumers of the much
needed advice from a range of professionals,
leaving them without any expert guidance
or support while selling their home. That’s
where Property Guys comes in and connects
buyers and sellers – without charging
excessive commissions, all while providing a
range of professional services to get the job
done!” said Marcus.

Ken LeBlanc, President and CEO, Inc. further explains
their approach:

“We provide sellers with everything they
need to connect directly with buyers,
allowing them the opportunity to make
more money than when they use an agent,”
explained Ken.

“With over 120 franchise units in Canada,
we’ve proven that our system works time
and time again while saving Canadians a
ton of money in commissions over the years.
It’s time Australians get to experience more
money in their pockets when they sell their
property. We’re going global and we couldn’t
think of a better place to start!”

“The core values of Property Guys is
represented in our ‘We Believe’ statements,”
Marcus Cann explains.


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the opportunity
“We are now recruiting our foundation
franchisees – The Perfect Fit,” says Marcus.
“The best part is that you don’t need
previous real estate experience. You have to
have a great attitude and a willingness to
learn our rigorous training regime (including
completing a real estate certificate), and we
will take care of the rest.”
Property Guys is looking for franchisees in
all locations across NSW, Queensland, and
Victoria. Enquiries for other states are also
“We are offering Area Development
Agreements, Multi-Franchise Agreements
and Single Franchise Agreements,” Marcus
According to Marcus, people who have the
‘Perfect Fit’ are people who;

  • believe Real Estate Is Broken

  • want to take charge of their destiny

  • want more freedom on how they spend
    their time

  • love the property industry but do not love
    the current ‘culture’

  • want to start something new and be part
    of something bigger

  • are ready for a challenge, and ready to
    learn a new way of doing things

Franchisees will have access to over 120
small business owners in Canada on
everything that Property Guys has to offer.
“We believe Property Guys franchise owners
and their teams will be the most educated
and trained new real estate professionals in
the market in Australia,” stated Marcus.
Property Guys franchisees are initially
supported by;

  • Property Guys University (one week)

    • Real Estate Certificate Training (one

    • Zeenius Program (access to the best of
      the best in Canada on all things Property

    • Mentoring Program (fortnightly coaching
      and mentoring from Property Guys
      Australia - one-on-one sessions)
      Ongoing support includes;

    • Franchisees can attend Property Guys
      University at any time for a refresher

    • Property Guys CLE’s: we conduct CLE
      sessions on a regular basis for education
      and compliance

    • Property Guys Professional Updates: we
      bring in one of our professionals once a
      month for an update

    • Zeenius - you can access local Zeenius’ for

    • Mentoring

    • Franchisee Council: quarterly

An exciting future
Marcus is looking forward to seeing growth
throughout the next 12 months, and to
seeing Property Guys become a mainstay in
the Australian property market.
“We’d like to see at least 10 franchisees come
on board in the next 12 months,” Marcus
said. “We want to sell over 100 properties,
and of course, we want to make home sellers
more money.
“With the vast knowledge of our Canadian
partners and an industry that’s ripe for
change, there’s no better time to get

For more information contact:
+61 4 3496 4887
[email protected]

• Real Estate is Broken
• Anyone Can Sell Their Own House
• People Work Hard For Their Money
• In Connecting Buyers & Sellers
• People Should Make More Money on
the sale of their house
WE do tHis By:
• Providing the Home Seller with a fully
automated technology system; with
• A Community Of Professionals (lawyers,
valuers, stylists, REA etc); assisted by
• A PG Pro (licensed coach and mentor);
• For a Fixed (All Inclusive) Fee
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