Business Franchise Australia & New Zealand — July-August 2017

(lily) #1
38 Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand


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do you fancy sitting at your
desk in your slippers and
pj s? or is hitting the open
road more your style?

Deciding which kind of franchise is right
for you is one of the greatest decisions
you will make when entering the world
of franchising. In this edition of Business
Franchise Australia & New Zealand we take
a look at fixed site franchises and mobile

Apart from the obvious difference between
these two kinds of franchise businesses,
each in fact share a number of similarities –
including (sometimes) lower start-up costs,
and the flexibility to work around your
personal schedule. First let’s take a close look
at mobile franchises.

hit the roAd
Ever felt tied down by travelling day in and
day out to the office, staring at the same four
walls? Then perhaps a mobile franchise is
for you. The freedom and diversity you will

gain by hitting the road and visiting your
clients could be the change of scenery you
are looking for.
The variety of mobile franchise opportunities
is vast and ever-expanding. Everything from
food and coffee vans, dog washing, lawn
mowing, house cleaning, car washing, selling
tools, servicing cars, package delivery, fence
building, business consulting...phew! The
list just goes on and on. You name it, and
there will probably be a mobile franchise
available for you to make all your own.
The one thing they all have in common is

38 Business Franchise Australia and New Zealand
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