Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
28 | December 2017


3 Once you are happy with your
stencilled pattern, add a light mist
of red colour over your stencilled
cake board to darken and blend
the patterns.

4 Make a paper template by
cutting about 1cm in from the
outline edge of the town template.
This doesn’t need to be 100%
accurate. Using dressmakers pins,
attach template to your tall covered
cake, as shown.

5 Hold a snowfl ake stencil in position
up against the surface of your cake.
You may fi nd for the larger crystal
snowfl ake stencils that you will need
to use two fi ngers to bend the stencil
to fi t the curved surface of the cake.
Using your airbrush, spray blue airbrush
colour gently over the stencil until you
are happy with the depth of colour.

6 Alternate the snowfl ake stencil
designs and the blue and green
airbrush colours, until the cake sides
around the template are completely
covered. At this stage you should
aim for more turquoise and
blue-green snowfl akes, as shown.

7 To create the night sky effect,
use fi rst the blue airbrush colour and
spray over the stencilled snowfl akes
around the edges of the template.
Then change the colour to navy
and spray over the top of the cake,
around the top edge and over the
back of the cake, until you are happy
with the effect. Remove the paper
template and allow to dry.

8 Once dry, make a wax paper or
tracing paper copy of the template
and attach to your cake using
dressmaker’s pins. With scriber and
set square, scribe the buildings
onto surface of the cake as shown.
This is to help you add all your town
pieces successfully, it’s the guide to
the jigsaw puzzle!

9 To create the little houses of
Bethlehem, you will need a variety
of coloured modelling pastes,
similar to those shown.

10 Break off small pieces of the
colours shown and place them in a
random pile on your work board.
Next gather the pieces together
and roughly knead, taking care not
to over knead and combine the
colours completely.

11 Roll out the paste between
1mm spacers. Using spacers is
important, they enable all the pieces
of your ‘jigsaw’ town to be the
same thickness. When rolling out
the marbled paste, choose carefully
which direction you roll, as this will
determine the pattern you achieve.

Lindy's Top Tip

I  nd it useful to roll little balls of each colour to help me
check that my colour choices are pleasing to the eye. I
ask myself, does the blend work, do I need to make any
adjustments, wdo I need to add or remove colours?

Please download the template

p27-31_Lindy Smith.indd 28 06/10/2017 10:50

Free download pdf