Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
34 | December 2017


1 Roll out white sugarpaste and
cover the 40cm dummy. Draw, with a
cutter tool, concentric circles on it.
2 Roll out white sugarpaste very
thick and impress with tree bark
mould. Cut enough strips, 5cm in
height, and attach with a little edible
glue, all around the dummy.
3 Cut five small strips of red
modelling paste. Divide into two
parts to make the tails of the
4 Cut another strip of red modelling
paste and fold to shape a ribbon
then stick a small strip at the centre
with edible glue. Prepare three
5 Cut out the pictures printed on
the wafer paper.
6 Attach around the angel cake,
previously placed on a 30cm board,
filled and covered with white
sugarpaste. To avoid peeling wafer
paper, keep it firm by wrapping the
cake with some food quality film.

When dry, define borders with gold
spray and a thin paintbrush to give
an antique effect.
7 Airbrush the top of the dummy in
light brown and the bark in brown
and black. Spray some glaze to fix
the colour. Let it dry. Attach ribbon
prepared in steps 3-4. Spread some
royal icing on the bark tray and affix
the angel cake.
8 With some white modelling
paste, shape a pear and make a
small hole at its bottom.
When dried, dust with lime and
shadow sides brown.
9 Wrap an 18 gauge floral wire into
a piece of absorbent paper,
make a small hook and dip it in a bit
of edible glue. Cover with brown
floral tape and insert the hook in
the pear. Let it dry at least one day
before assembling flowers
and leaves.
10 Make a sausage shape with
flower paste and insert a 26 gauge

floral wire. Roll over the paste with
a small rolling pin and cut out the
shape of the leaf using the universal
leaves veiner. Put the leaf on a
CelPad and thin its edges with the
ball tool. Put the leaf in the veiner
and press. Prepare seven leaves.
11 When dry, dust the leaves
mixing foliage green and yellow
autumn. Glaze them to fix the
12 Colour a bit of flower paste
using lime and foliage green
colours. Twist a very small ball
around three 33 gauge floral wires
and bend the top of them.
They have to be very thin. Let them
dry. Take a bunch of white stamens
and cut them into two parts.
13 Fix the filaments and the
stamens together with a small strip
of white floral tape.
14 Roll out a small amount of
flower paste very thin and, with a
flower cutter, cut fifteen petals.

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