Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1

TRADITIONAL December 2017 | 35

15 Vein with a universal flower
petal veiner. Insert a 33 gauge
floral wire. Let them dry.
16 Roll out a small amount of
pale green flower paste very thin
and cut three calyxes. With a pair
of small scissors, define the calyx.
17 Colour stamen tops with
aubergine colour diluted in
alcohol and assemble centre
of the flower with five petals
prepared in steps 14-15 using
pale green tape. Insert calyx
and fix at bottom of flower with
edible glue. When dry, dust calyx
mixing foliage green and yellow
autumn and glaze it.
Spread some desiccated coconut
on flower before glaze dries.
18 Now you can fix the leaves,
the flowers and the pear
together with pale green floral
tape. Always dust the floral tape
using the same colour as
the leaves.

Place composition on the top and
on the right of the angel cake.
19 Make a sausage shape with
the flower paste. Roll over the
paste with a small rolling pin and
cut out a leaf using the
holly veiner.
20 Insert a 26 gauge floral wire in
the leaf. Put on a CelPad and roll
edges with the ball tool. Put the
leaf in the veiner and press.
Prepare twenty leaves.
21 Crease the tin foil as a former
and let the leaves dry on it for
22 Shape fifteen small balls for
berries and with a pair of small
scissors, cut the top of them.
Make a hook on a 26 gauge wire,
dip in edible glue and insert in
the small balls. Let them dry well
before fixing in groups of three on
a 20 gauge wire and with
floral tape.
23 Colour the bottom of the

berries mixing foliage green and
yellow autumn and the top of
them aubergine. Airbrush holly
leaves mixing green and yellow.
When dry, dust their centres
forest green with a hint of gold.
Glaze them. Take six 26 gauge
floral wires, wrap in some brown
floral tape and twist to get some
decorative curls.
24 Press a small ball of white
modelling paste in the bird mould.
Cut excess paste, smooth and
pop in a freezer for a few minutes
to help demould. Let it dry before
dusting it.
25 Fix holly berries and leaves
together on a 20 gauge wire using
pale green tape. Dust tape mixing
foliage green and yellow autumn.
Dust bird mixing brown and white.
Define top of head and wings with
brown and the breast mixing ruby,
brown and white. Finally, dust the
bird pearl white. ➜

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

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