Cake Decoration & Sugarcraft — December 2017

(Amelia) #1
36 | December 2017


26 Press a small amount of white
modelling paste in the swan mould.
Cut away excess paste, smooth it and
keep it in a freezer for a few minutes.
Let it dry.
27 Dig a small pond on the top and
on the left of the angel cake and
cover with a strip of white sugarpaste.
28 Fill pond with some gelatine
previously coloured mixing white
and a drop of blue. Spread a bit of
edible glue on its borders and cover
them with white pearled sugar and
desiccated coconut.
29 Colour the swan's beak and eyes
using a very thin paintbrush.
30 Roll out white sugarpaste and
cover the 20cm dummy.
Spread some edible glue on the
printed wafer paper and attach.
To avoid the wafer paper detaching,
wrap dummy with food quality film.
When dry, define borders of pictures
with gold spray and with a thin
paintbrush to give an antique effect.

Fix on angel cake with royal icing.
31 Cut a 0.5cm strip of white
modelling paste. Make a ring and
fix its joint with edible glue. Let it
dry. Prepare gold sugar lace.
Mix 100g sugar for lace with 80g of
water. Spread on a lace mat with a
confectioners' spreader lengthwise,
crosswise and diagonally.
Remove sugar excess. Let it dry for
at least ten hours. Peel sugar very
gently. Prepare two strips.
32 With a bit of edible glue, stick
the lace around the ring. Place the
ribbon tails behind the ring, at the
centre and on the top of the
20cm dummy.
33 Mould several decorative leaves
with white modelling paste.
34 Roll out white sugarpaste and
cover the 15cm dummy. Airbrush
it mixing yellow and two drops of
green. When dry, spray gold colour.
Stick three strips of gold lace around
it. Attach decorative leaves prepared

in step 33 on top and around 20cm
dummy. Fix 15cm dummy to 20cm
dummy with royal icing.
35 Add a tiny bit of chestnut gel
colour to a small amount of white
modelling paste. Mould a sausage
and press it in a child face mould.
Cut excess, smooth and keep it in a
freezer for some minutes.
Define nose, eyes and lips using a
silicone modelling brush. Let it dry.
36 Proceed as in step 35. This time
defining a male face.
37 Colour the children's cheeks
and lips pink and hair bronze.
Define the eyelashes with a very
thin paintbrush and black.
38 Roll out a small amount of red
modelling paste very thin and cut
out a trapezoid to cover the child's
body. Cut away neckline.
39 Mould four small cylinders for
the child's arms and legs. Mould
the feet and hands using the same
mould as in step 35.

25 26 27

28 29 30

31 32 33

34 35 36

p33-38_Veronica Seta.indd 36 06/10/2017 10:53

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