The MagPi - July 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1 July 2018 87



Language: German
Number of projects translated or reviewed: 40

I’m a student at the University
of Rijeka in Croatia. My college
professor suggested I help
translate Code Club projects
as a part of my M.A. thesis -
since I am majoring in English
and Informatics, it was a great
opportunity to connect both my
majors and gain more experience
in translating!

What advice would you give to
others thinking about translating?
I would encourage anyone who
has any interest in translating or
coding to get involved, because
it is a great way to engage in
something fun and new. You
will learn so much, explore new

things, engage in interactions
with other volunteers – the list
is endless! The fact that you are
helping children all over the world
to learn coding is also a reward
in itself!

Favourite project:
Rock, Paper, Scissors, where you
learn to code this well-known
game. I’ve learned the basics
of Python whilst translating
and discovered a lot of fun and
interesting things you can do
with code. I even printed out the
materials to go through them
once again, this time as a student
learning to code in Python!

How did you start translating?
I think through The MagPi. Late
in 2016 I had a go at translating
the Code Club project ‘Happy
Birthday’ and last year I got an
email from Code Club and decided
to get involved again. My main
motivation was to go over the
basics of using a Raspberry Pi and
learn about some simple exercises
which could be used for teaching
adults, if the need for it came up
at my job.


Language: Croatian
Number of projects translated or reviewed: 23

Favourite project:
I like Raspberry Pi’s various
projects for lighting a traffic light,
since it can be expanded to more
and more functions.

What advice would you
give to others thinking
about translating?
I really like to translate. It is
quite easy to do if you are a bit
of a techie and it gives you a
good feeling to bring children
an interesting and creative way
to spend their time. My advice:
just start doing it! It is a nice
community and all of us are
willing to help newbies.

What have you found most
rewarding about translating?
Translating pushes me to polish
up my knowledge of the English
language. I understand uncommon
phrases and words I didn’t
know before.


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