An interactive introduction to MATLAB
2.33d plotting using plot3 and surf 31 Exercise 4: 3 d plotting (continued) Use theshading interpcommand aftersurfto change the ...
3 scripts and functions 3.1 Script files A script file is a text file that contains a series ofMATLABcommands that you would typ ...
34 scripts and functions Listing 3.1: my_surf.m - Script to plot a surface 1 % my_surf.m 2 % Script to plot a surface 3 % 4 % Cr ...
3.1script files 35 Writing good scripts Here are some useful tips that you should follow to make your script files easy to follo ...
36 scripts and functions The disp function Thedispfunction can be used display strings of text to the Command Window e. g.disp(' ...
3.1script files 37 Exercise 5: Scripts Write your own script files to solve the following problems: The absolute pressure at th ...
38 scripts and functions Exercise 5: Scripts (continued) A pipeline at an oil refinery is carrying oil to a large storage tank. ...
3.2functions 39 The abs function Theabsfunction can be used to calculate the absolute value or magnitude of a number. 3.2 Functi ...
40 scripts and functions Table 5: Function definitions, filenames, input and output variables function definition filename input ...
3.2functions 41 Functions are executed at the command prompt by typing their function definition line without thefunctioncommand ...
42 scripts and functions Listings 3.4 presents an example of a simple function that multiplies two numbers,xandy, together to ca ...
3.2functions 43 Exercise 6: Functions Write your own functions to solve the following problems: Produce a conversion table for ...
4 decision making All the problems you have solved so far have been problems with a straight- line logic pattern i. e. you follo ...
46 decision making Listings 4.1 presents a simple example of using relational operators. Listing 4.1: Simple relational operator ...
4.1relational and logical operations 47 9 >> k = ~((x>y) | (x>4)) 10 k = 11 0 0 1 0 Comments: The relational and lo ...
48 decision making b) w=v c)v < w+v d) (v < w) +v 4.2 The if-else statement The if,else, and elseifstatements inMATLAB pro ...
4.2the if-else statement 49 Listing 4.5: basic_if.m - Script to show simple if statement 1 % basic_if.m 2 % Script to show simpl ...
50 decision making executed if all the logical expressions for the precedingelseifandif commands return false. Listing 4.7 prese ...
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