Part 1: User Friendly? ...
1 Unix The World’s First Computer Virus “Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don’t think that this i ...
4 Unix Portability A single virus can invade many different types of cells, and with a few changes, even more. Animal and prima ...
History of the Plague 5 security, so that the actions of one user could not affect another. Its goal was even there in its name: ...
6 Unix Literature avers that Unix succeeded because of its technical superiority. This is not true. Unix was evolutionarily supe ...
History of the Plague 7 Date: Wed, 10 Apr 91 08:31:33 EDT From: Olin Shivers <
[email protected]
> To: UNIX-HAT ...
8 Unix Perhaps the most startling fact about RIP is that it was built and widely distributed with no formal standard. Most imple ...
Standardizing Unconformity 9 When the Motorola 68000 microprocessor appeared, dozens of workstation companies sprouted. Very few ...
10 Unix Ever since Unix got popular in the 1980s, there has been an ongoing effort on the part of the Unix vendors to “standardi ...
Standardizing Unconformity 11 at NeXTWORLD asked me what the difference was between AIX and A/UX. “AIX is Unix from IBM. A/UX is ...
12 Unix I think Unix and snowflakes are the only two classes of objects in the universe in which no two instances ever match exa ...
Unix Myths 13 “standard” being applied to software systems such as Unix. Real standards, wrote Schilling, are for physical objec ...
14 Unix It’s documented. It’s written in a high-level language. X and Motif make Unix as user-friendly and simple as the Macint ...
Unix Myths 15 ...
2 Welcome, New User!.................................................. Like Russian Roulette with Six Bullets Loaded Ken Thompso ...
18 Welcome, New User! When Unix was under construction, it hosted no guests. Every visitor was a contractor who was given a hard ...
Accidents Will Happen 19 If Dennis and Ken had a Selectric instead of a Teletype, we’d probably be typing “copy” and “remove” in ...
20 Welcome, New User! Automatic file versioning, which gives new versions of files new names or numbered extensions, would prese ...
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