Sensation and Perception 121 size, regardless of its distance from the viewer (or the size of the image it casts on the retina). ...
122 CHAPTER 3 Proximity (Nearness) Similarity Closure Continuity Common Region A C D D D BB A A C C B Figure 3. 20 Gestalt Princ ...
Sensation and Perception 123 CONTIGUITY Contiguity isn’t shown in Figure 3. 20 because it involves not just nearness in space bu ...
124 CHAPTER 3 b. d. a. c. Figure 3.21 Examples of Pictorial Depth Cues (a) Both the lines of the trees and the sides of the road ...
Sensation and Perception 125 BINOCULAR CUES As the name suggests, these cues require the use of two eyes. Convergence: Another ...
126 CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.23 The Hermann Grid Look at this matrix of squares. Do you notice anything interesting at the white inter ...
Sensation and Perception 127 the outward-facing angles “stretch” away from them like the inside corners of the room (Enns & ...
128 CHAPTER 3 Figure 3.24 Perceived Motion Notice anything as you move your eyes over this image? The image is not moving; seein ...
Sensation and Perception 129 The way in which people interpret what they perceive can also influence their per- ception. For exa ...
130 CHAPTER 3 APA Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking Perceptual Influences on Metacognition Addresses APA Learning ...
Sensation and Perception 131 Applying Psychology to Everyday Life Beyond “Smoke and Mirrors”—The Psychological Science and Neuro ...
132 CHAPTER 3 Penn & Teller have performed together for more than 30 years and have joined neuroscientists in the effort to ...
Sensation and Perception 133 Sensory adaptation occurs when the sensory receptors stop responding to a constant stimulus. The ...
134 CHAPTER 3 The gate-control theory of pain states that when receptors sensi- tive to pain are stimulated, a neurotransmitter ...
Sensation and Perception 135 You detect the strong smell of cedar when you enter a furniture store. However, after a short whil ...
136 Watch the Video THINKING CRITICALLY What are some ways in which you multitask throughout the day? How does multitasking impa ...
137 4.10 Compare and contrast two views of why hypnosis works. 4.11 Distinguish between physical dependence and psychological de ...
138 CHAPTER 4 What Is Consciousness? What exactly is meant by the term consciousness? I’ve heard it a lot, but I’m not sure that ...
Consciousness 139 An altered state of consciousness occurs when there is a shift in the quality or pattern of your mental activi ...
140 CHAPTER 4 such as caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol is definitely an example of altered states. Over sev- eral decades, there ha ...
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