Consciousness 141 natural cycles of activity that the body must go through. Some biological rhythms are monthly, like the cycle ...
142 CHAPTER 4 receptors facilitate some stages of sleep, while others inhibit other stages (Siegel, 2011; Zhang et al., 2015). B ...
Consciousness 143 Although people can do without sleep for a while, they cannot do without it alto- gether. In one experiment, r ...
144 CHAPTER 4 such as the opossum can afford to sleep during the day and be active at night (when their food sources are availab ...
Consciousness 145 person? For most people, a missed night of sleep will result in concentration problems and the inability to do ...
146 CHAPTER 4 N1: LIGHT SLEEP As theta wave activity increases and alpha wave activity fades away, people are said to be enterin ...
Consciousness 147 REM SLEEP: PERCHANCE TO DREAM? When a person in stage R is awakened, he or she almost always reports being in ...
148 CHAPTER 4 (Horne & Staff, 1983). Perhaps the dreams people have in REM sleep are a way of dealing with the stresses and ...
Consciousness 149 Parkinson’s disorders (Peever et al., 2014). This has positive implications for early detec- tion and treatmen ...
150 CHAPTER 4 THINKING CRITICALLY Do you think that sleepwalking is an adequate defense for someone who has harmed or killed ano ...
Consciousness 151 SLEEP APNEA Gerald was a snorer. Actually, that’s an understatement. Gerald could give a jet engine some serio ...
152 CHAPTER 4 Practice Quiz How much do you remember? Pick the best answer. The sleep–wake cycle typically follows a 24-hour cy ...
Consciousness 153 APA Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking Weight Gain and Sleep Addresses APA Learning Objective 2. ...
154 CHAPTER 4 Dreams “To sleep, perchance to dream” is a well-known and often-quoted line from Act II of Hamlet by William Shake ...
Consciousness 155 Seems like quite a stretch. Wouldn’t there be lots of other possible interpretations? Yes, and today many prof ...
156 CHAPTER 4 In this theory, called the activation-synthesis hypothesis, a dream is merely another kind of thinking that occurs ...
Consciousness 157 are dreams of flying, falling, and of trying to do something and failing—all of which are very common dreams, ...
158 CHAPTER 4 Table 4. 2 Examples of Items That Would Appear on a Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale Movement of the body back and f ...
Consciousness 159 As the video Hypnosis in Therapy and Recovered Memories explains, hypnosis is also a controversial tool when u ...
160 CHAPTER 4 HYPNOSIS AS DISSOCIATION: THE HIDDEN OBSERVER Ernest Hilgard (1991; Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994) believed that hyp ...
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