the daily stoic
T June 20th CALM IS CONTAGIOUS “If then it’s not that the things you pursue or avoid are coming at you, but rather that you in a ...
I June 21st TAKE A WALK “We should take wandering outdoor walks, so that the mind might be nourished and refreshed by the open a ...
I June 22nd THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY “If you are defeated once and tell yourself you will overcome, but carry on as before, kn ...
A June 23rd THE LONG WAY AROUND “You could enjoy this very moment all the things you are praying to reach by taking the long way ...
S June 24th THE TRULY EDUCATED AREN’T QUARRELSOME “The beautiful and good person neither fights with anyone nor, as much as they ...
H June 25th THE WISE DON’T HAVE “PROBLEMS” “This is why we say that nothing happens to the wise person contrary to their expecta ...
V June 26th TRY THE OPPOSITE “What assistance can we find in the fight against habit? Try the opposite!” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, ...
A June 27th ADVERSITY REVEALS “How does it help, my husband, to make misfortune heavier by complaining about it? This is more fi ...
M June 28th NO SELF-FLAGELLATION NEEDED “Philosophy calls for simple living, but not for penance—it’s quite possible to be simpl ...
“I June 29th NO EXCUSES “It is possible to curb your arrogance, to overcome pleasure and pain, to rise above your ambition, and ...
T June 30th THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY “While it’s true that someone can impede our actions, they can’t impede our intentions and o ...
T July 1st DO YOUR JOB “Whatever anyone does or says, for my part I’m bound to the good. In the same way an emerald or gold or p ...
W July 2nd ON DUTY AND CIRCUMSTANCE “Never shirk the proper dispatch of your duty, no matter if you are freezing or hot, groggy ...
A July 3rd TURN HAVE TO INTO GET TO “The task of a philosopher: we should bring our will into harmony with whatever happens, so ...
T July 4th PROTECT THE FLAME “Protect your own good in all that you do, and as concerns everything else take what is given as fa ...
I July 5th NO ONE SAID IT’D BE EASY “Good people will do what they find honorable to do, even if it requires hard work; they’ll ...
I July 6th RISE AND SHINE “On those mornings you struggle with getting up, keep this thought in mind—I am awakening to the work ...
M July 7th OUR DUTY TO LEARN “This is what you should teach me, how to be like Odysseus—how to love my country, wife and father, ...
“C July 8th STOP MONKEYING AROUND “Enough of this miserable, whining life. Stop monkeying around! Why are you troubled? What’s n ...
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