the daily stoic
W July 29th A CURE FOR THE SELF “The person who has practiced philosophy as a cure for the self becomes great of soul, filled wi ...
W July 30th STOIC JOY “Trust me, real joy is a serious thing. Do you think someone can, in the charming expression, blithely dis ...
E July 31st YOUR CAREER IS NOT A LIFE SENTENCE “How disgraceful is the lawyer whose dying breath passes while at court, at an ad ...
W August 1st DON’T GO EXPECTING PERFECTION “That cucumber is bitter, so toss it out! There are thorns on the path, then keep awa ...
L August 2nd WE CAN WORK ANY WAY “Indeed, how could exile be an obstacle to a person’s own cultivation, or to attaining virtue w ...
A August 3rd THE GOOD LIFE IS ANYWHERE “At this moment you aren’t on a journey, but wandering about, being driven from place to ...
N August 4th NO BLAME, JUST FOCUS “You must stop blaming God, and not blame any person. You must completely control your desire ...
R August 5th SILENCE IS STRENGTH “Silence is a lesson learned from the many sufferings of life.” —SENECA, THYESTES, 309 ecall th ...
H August 6th THERE IS ALWAYS MORE ROOM TO MANEUVER THAN YOU THINK “Apply yourself to thinking through difficulties—hard times ca ...
W August 7th PRAGMATIC AND PRINCIPLED “Wherever a person can live, there one can also live well; life is also in the demands of ...
H August 8th START WITH WHERE THE WORLD IS “Do now what nature demands of you. Get right to it if that’s in your power. Don’t lo ...
A August 9th STICK WITH JUST THE FACTS “Don’t tell yourself anything more than what the initial impressions report. It’s been re ...
P August 10th PERFECTION IS THE ENEMY OF ACTION “We don’t abandon our pursuits because we despair of ever perfecting them.” —EPI ...
August 11th NO TIME FOR THEORIES, JUST RESULTS “When the problem arose for us whether habit or theory was better for getting vir ...
O August 12th MAKE THE WORDS YOUR OWN “Many words have been spoken by Plato, Zeno, Chrysippus, Posidonius, and by a whole host o ...
H August 13th TAKE CHARGE AND END YOUR TROUBLES “You’ve endured countless troubles—all from not letting your ruling reason do th ...
T August 14th THIS ISN’T FOR FUN. IT’S FOR LIFE “Philosophy isn’t a parlor trick or made for show. It’s not concerned with words ...
T August 15th THE SUPREME COURT OF YOUR MIND “This can be swiftly taught in very few words: virtue is the only good; there is no ...
A August 16th ANYTHING CAN BE AN ADVANTAGE “Just as the nature of rational things has given to each person their rational powers ...
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