Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1
Although it is important to note that each region will have different genetic activities, since the breeding and taming of oxen ...
historical evolution, presenting a great complexity for the study of the evolution of Homo sapiens, since it depends on who cont ...
Different perspectives of the giant deer bone found in the Unicorn Cave in Germany. Photo: V. Minkus (NLD) https://historia.nati ...
Graphic: A. Tröller-Reimer / D. Leder (NLD) https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/medio/ 2021 / 07 / 07 /escaneo-microct-co ...
Nippur. Palaeobabylonian Age, reign of Rim-Sin of Larsa ( 1822 - 1763 BC), Year 38. Fired clay, height 6. 8 cm, width 4. 3 cm, d ...
─Philosophy of the Common Cause Why is peace not peace? Why are peace only outside the world for some, and no peace in or outsid ...
communication technologies, as well as on innovations that enabled the development of renewable energies.» «The idea was that th ...
─Get ready for a world currency? [...]THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich count ...
The emblem of “Tenochtitlan” shows an eagle standing on a cactus holding the "Atl Tlachinolli" is a Nahuatl word which, in the c ...
Today, the holders of shares that control Finance and the world economy are betting on a single government in the hands of a cen ...
[...]Only a major crisis can transform something politically impossible into something politically inevitable. If such a crisis ...
Right lateral view of the Cioclovina calvaria exhibiting a large depressed fracture. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/f ...
─Human nature has been violent since the Stone Age Consulting issue 82 of the specialist journal Antiquity (^) [ 33 ], I found a ...
Our civilized way of thinking led scientists to look at the attack, and try to develop reconstruction to explain it. All this wi ...
─The Jebel Sahaba necropolis in Sudan For the colonialist model of education, the African continent has always been seen as some ...
healed or unhealed, with no relation to sex or age at the time of death, including children as young as four years old. On the o ...
─Record of the first murder by beating in the Paleolithic period «Making a third reading in the search to understand violence in ...
Neolithic Family massacre. In 2011 archaeologists found 15 skeletons brutally murdered thousands of years ago. Now, thanks to DN ...
Skull 17 found in the “Sima de los Huesos de Atapuerca”. Madrid Scientific Films. Skull 17 , recovered from the Sima de los Hues ...
So the different types of hominids that inhabited the different stages of prehistory gave rise to the first civilizations that d ...
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