MEET THE EXPERT Dr Rebecca Moore is a perinatal psychiatrist and mum of two; doctorrebecca moore.com E ven before you became pre ...
PERFECTION REJECTION! to leave you feeling exhausted. These are all positive ways to reduce your stresslevels, alongside eating ...
Bump&Birth motherandbaby.co.uk| April 2020 | 23 goals and discover that they’re not so important after all.’ PRACTISE SELF-C ...
WORDS EMILY THORPE PHOTOGRAPHY ADOBESTOCK During your consultation, the therapist should ask you questions about your health and ...
BUMP Dress my Bump&Birth FOR WORK DRESS UP DRESS IT DOWN Super-stylishideasfor howtowearone itemthree ways LEOPARD BODYCON D ...
Everyday travel companion This fully-featured compact stroller is perfect for city living or jet-setting travelers. TRIV™ is cle ...
motherandbaby.co.uk| April 2020 | 27 Bump&Birth THE LONG Hands up who wants to know how long their labour will last? Whateve ...
THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT 28 | April 2020 |motherandbaby.co.uk WHAT’S ‘NORMAL’? First of all, we can only talk about averages her ...
Bump&Birth motherandbaby.co.uk| April 2020 | 29 ‘I laboured for days with my third baby! It just kept stopping and starting. ...
THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT 30 | April 2020 |motherandbaby.co.uk Long labours For your first baby, you can expect your labour to be ...
you are We know that life is a rollercoaster now you’re a mum. We’re all riding the crazy highs of sweet baby snuggles and the o ...
32 | April 2020 |motherandbaby.co.uk Birth stories MeetCarly,whoovercameheranxiety to enjoy her c-section ‘I worked hard for a c ...
Bump&Birth Three things I’d tell my friends Prep for your planned c-section by watching YouTube videos of the operation with ...
Are you a spoon feeder, or are you letting baby lead the way on your weaning journey? Put a group of new mums in a room and it’s ...
N E W ARRI V A L join the family Thinkingof deliciousmeals th atyourbabywill loveandwill pr ovideherwiththe nutrition sh e needs ...
Baby&Toddler motherandbaby.co.uk| April 2020 | 37 ZEN Helpyourlittleonedevelopcalmingskillsforlife MEETTHE EXPERT Marneta Vi ...
38 | April 2020 |motherandbaby.co.uk ZEN BABY! ‘Take a short mindful walk,’ suggests Marneta. ‘Feel the warmth ofyourbaby in his ...
Baby&Toddler motherandbaby.co.uk | April 2020 | 39 Bubbles canbea great toolformumand baby mindfulness. ‘Imagineyouare blowi ...
Delivers SIGNUPAT MOTHERANDBABY.CO.UK/NEWSLETTER The perfect nap-sized treat, featuring: O Your favourite fashion fix O Celebrit ...
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