Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
Mari Anatoli (fl. 1300) composed one of the first works of Jewish sermonic literature, Malmad Ha Talmidim (“Goad for Students”). ...
plural in the Greek) was made up of separate volumes, and pandects (Bible in a single volume) were a later development. The vary ...
Lampe, G.W.H., ed. The Cambridge History of the Bible. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969–70, Vol. 2: The West ...
style. In the enormously popular Apocalypse, on the other hand, text and commentary are subservient to the sumptuous illustratio ...
Machabée et de ses nobles frères. Two anonymous prose translations of Maccabees appeared in this period, as well as prose versio ...
however, preclude him from service as a chaplain to the duke of Burgundy. He was also able to secure profitable prebends in Brug ...
Fallows, David. “Binchois, Gilles de Bins.” In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie. London: Macmi ...
troubadour, often paraphrasing information culled from the poems. About a hundred such biographies have come down to us, all but ...
BLACK DEATH . Beginning in late 1347, most of western Europe was attacked by a pandemic that overshadows both the earlier outbre ...
Gui de Chauliac. Ars chirurgicalis II.ii.5, trans. and annotated by Michael McVaugh. In A Source Book in Medieval Science, ed. E ...
Blanche and her son’s wife, Marguerite of Provence; Blanche also vigorously opposed Louis’s decision in 1244 to take the crusade ...
by the loss of Tours and the subsequent acquisition by marriage of two additional counties in Champagne, Bar-sur-Aube and Vitry, ...
de Châtillon, count of Blois (1381–97), who subsidized Froissart’s researches for Book 3 of his Chroniques, sold Blois to Charle ...
BOECI . The fragmentary Occitan paraphrase of Boethius’s De consolatione Philosophiae is regarded as the oldest literary text pr ...
to cast the Holy Spirit as the anima mundi, Equally influential were the myths (e.g., Orpheus: 3.12) and legends (e.g., Ulysses: ...
Pons, M. Bonaguil, château de rêve: essai sur le château de Bonaguil dans le Haut-Agenais. Toulouse: Privat, 1959. BONAVENTURE ( ...
“moderns” like Richard of Saint-Victor. For Bonaventure, theology was so far above philosophy in purpose that there could be no ...
BONIFACE VIII (d. 1303). Pope. When Celestine V renounced the papacy in 1294, the cardinals elected Benedetto Gaetani, a nobleme ...
10th centuries. While there was much variation in the makeup of these books, a nucleus of items appeared in most: the calendar, ...
Plantagenêts. During the Hundred Years’ War, Bordeaux was the capital of Guyenne and served as an important staging center for E ...
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