3.5.1 Feather Spray) ( 56 ). To allow the three datasets (HPA, GTEx, and FANTOM) to be combined ( 1 , 18 , 19 ), a pipeline was ...
LabVision Autostainer 480 using LabVision reagents and protocols with primary antibody incubation 30 min in room temperature and ...
309 – 323 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2014.05.033; pmid: 24952961 M. J. Hawrylyczet al., An anatomically comprehensive atlas o ...
information are available, open access, and downloadable from the Human Protein Atlas database. The external data from GTEx, FAN ...
RESEARCH ARTICLE ◥ CELL SURFACE MAPPING Microenvironment mapping via Dexter energy transfer on immune cells Jacob B. Geri^1 , Ja ...
did not sensitize model diazirine 1 , a catalyst with a triplet energy (ET) exceeding this thresh- old {Ir[dF(CF 3 )ppy] 2 (dtbb ...
We sought to demonstrate that carbenes generated through photocatalytic diazirine sen- sitization could label proteins (Fig. 2C) ...
Geriet al.,Science 367 , 1091–1097 (2020) 6 March 2020 4of7 Fig. 3.mMapping on live cells.(A) Western blot analysis of antibody- ...
Geriet al.,Science 367 , 1091–1097 (2020) 6 March 2020 5of7 Fig. 4. Intra- and extrasynapticmmapping within a two-cell system. ( ...
of the level observed through UV irradiation, es- tablishing that the diazirine presents minimal background signal at this wavel ...
D. I. Kimet al.,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111 , E2453–E2461 (2014). K. Bersukeret al.,Dev. Cell 44 ,97–112.e7 (2018). K. H. ...
SOLAR CELLS Triple-halide wide–band gap perovskites with suppressed phase segregation for efficient tandems Jixian Xu1,2,3†, Cal ...
of ~1.63 eV. To recover the optimal 1.67-eV band gap, we attempted to increase the Cs fraction but obtained lower PV performance ...
mobility and lifetime by nearly a factor of 2, equivalent to a doubled carrier diffusion length, wasseenincomparisontoourbest1.6 ...
observed a PL blue shift, rather than a red shift, in triple-halide films caused by the emis- sion growth at the PL high-energy ...
air (relative humidity = 25 to 30%) retained 90% of its initial PCE after 250 hours of con- tinuous operation at MPP (Fig. 4H). ...
We also analyzed each subcell in our two- terminal tandems by measuring electrolumi- nescence (EL) (Fig. 5E). After increasing t ...
(1.88V)thatismuchimprovedoverthebest prior reports (<1.8 V) (table S3). Finally, the statistical data of tandems (fig. S23) i ...
and improved optoelectronic properties result in stable electroluminescence at high injection current densities and stabilized p ...
NEUROSCIENCE A central master driver of psychosocial stress responses in the rat Naoya Kataoka, Yuta Shima, Keisuke Nakajima, Ka ...
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