How Not to Network a Nation. The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet
186 Chapter 5 thought about it.”^59 The Party leadership had many more pressing worries to consider, including the high capital ...
The Undoing of the OGAS, 1970 to 1989 187 human behavior since at least the ancient Greeks and found in any eco- nomic order. (I ...
188 Chapter 5 best an “uneasy coexistence” or about how four decades after collectiviza- tion, private (market) plots that compr ...
The Undoing of the OGAS, 1970 to 1989 189 Varied critics of the Soviet economy have interpreted the collapse of the public inter ...
InterNyet This is the story—told for the first time in any language in book form—of a particular path not taken into the modern ...
192 Conclusion civilian affairs, especially when that meant fixing the command economy that already fed its coffers; (2) the eco ...
Conclusion 193 sheer technical incompetence. This advanced superpower state provided strong support for science.^2 The root prob ...
194 Conclusion market, state regulation, and individual interests to criticize socialist values of state-managed economies and c ...
Conclusion 195 speechless laborer (animal laborans), not the enlightened actor. The socialist state served and scaled up the mos ...
196 Conclusion economic order) to one of survival and political action, our vocabulary maps onto more private divisions in the S ...
Conclusion 197 This great apparent failure rate in innovations should help shape our con- siderations of the causes and conseque ...
198 Conclusion complex allowed for cross-sector knowledge exchange and innovation trans- fer. The failure of the Soviet knowledg ...
Conclusion 199 years earlier, and likely to far less sweeping effect, had the book not been banned (and had Stalin not repressed ...
200 Conclusion dream of social justice but to bulldoze the rutted world of human relations with the private interest logics of t ...
Conclusion 201 This time, however, a few complex private forces are winning out, despite the delusions of digital utopianism or ...
202 Conclusion work lives of the Soviet people. In a sense, this is precisely our lot now: the networks that organize oikos powe ...
Conclusion 203 concerned the creators of the OGAS Project. There is a potential moral authority in institutions and communities ...
204 Conclusion hard stuff of tractors and circuits boards but was the study of industrial arts, crafts, and techniques that orga ...
Conclusion 205 early institutional alliances between the Central Economic-Mathematical Institute and the Institute of Cybernetic ...
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